Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Dangers of Totalitarianism George Orwell Essay
Hiding in the shadows yet standing in full view, the signs of totalitarianism and the dangers that accompany it in 1984 are everywhere. Orwell is able to paint a frighteningly realistic picture of the all-consuming monster that is a totalitarian state. It tries to hide its negative traits by covering them up with promising lies that bring a good public image to the state. When a totalitarian style of government is employed, it gains control over every aspect of life for any unlucky citizen or bystander who happens to come under its reigns. George Orwell demonstrates his theme of Totalitarianism and the dangers thereof; illustrating itself throughout the entire story through everything from obvious signs such as the constant monitoring of†¦show more content†¦Ignorance leads to a cause and effect situation where â€Å"Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.†(61) When the people lose their abi lity to be conscious of what is happening in their government, the government can continue to push the people in whatever direction it chooses. Another key part in the scheme of totalitarianism is terror reign. Terror reign is where a government uses great force to make the people fear for their lives and in turn, do whatever the state says to do. In the case of the society in 1984, the state which took the name â€Å"Big Brother†(5) takes control of every aspect of life for every citizen in the nation. Control over a nation such as this one requires support from the civilian police as well as a special force called the â€Å"Thought Police†(24) who are similar to the CIA or the Secret Service, doing the state’s dirty work quietly and quickly. Thought crime, it is the act of having a thought that is negative towards the state, and in a totalitarian world, where the power lays solely in the political leaders, even thoughts are monitored. When a thought appears that could be potentially harmful, the Thought Police are deployed to dispose of the threat. Can a thought really be a crime? Yes, it can; at least it can in the minds of the political leaders calling the shots. In the world found in 1984, there is not a singleShow MoreRelated George Orwells 1984: Unmasking Totalitarianism1749 Words  | 7 Pageshand, George Orwell stood in direct opposition. 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(Woodstock) At the age of six, Orwell was sent to school at a small Anglican parish school, for college, he then attended Eton College and Wellington college Berkshire. (biography editors) Orwell wrote 1984 after World War II had ended, to serve as a warning to the readers. Orwell lived during a time period when tyrannyRead MoreA Look into Totalitarianism In 1984 by George Orwell1600 Words  | 6 PagesIn the novel 1984, George Orwell portrays a world that has been altered to a state of political control. The lives and thoughts of a populat ion are controlled by the government in 1984. It is impossible to successfully rebel against this type of totalitarian society because of the many scare tactics that rebels have to bear. George Orwell uses 1984 to criticize the devastating effects of totalitarianism, and the dystopia of his scary visions for the future. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The topic of reducing cycle time Free Essays
Chapter II Literature Review This chapter reviews old research and theories that cite the subject of cut downing rhythm clip, which is relevant to tilt constructs and simulation. The subject of this chapter are below. Product rhythm clip betterment Principles of thin Simulation Modeling Review literature Research Frame work In the past, most research focused on the development of dispatching and releasing regulations to better rhythm clip. We will write a custom essay sample on The topic of reducing cycle time or any similar topic only for you Order Now With less limitation on the equipment, batch size decrease would be another alternate to shorten rhythm clip which considered apparatus clip and capacity restraints to work out the batch size job. Some constructs use thin fabrication to extinguish waste and non-value-added clip. Some bookmans used simulation methods to make the rhythm clip analysis by uniting simulation and computing machine algorithms to seek for the batch size for each single merchandise in a multi-product environment. Most of the past surveies sing batch size concentrated on traditional fabrication environments, with fixed demands and production rates. The primary end of this model was to minimise the entire production rhythm clip. 2.1 Product rhythm clip betterment Cycle clip decrease involves placing and implementing more efficient ways to make things. Reducing rhythm clip requires extinguishing or cut downing non-value-added activities, which is defined as any activities that do non add value to the merchandise. Examples of non-value-added activities in which rhythm clip can be reduced or eliminated include fix due to defects, machine set-up, review and agenda holds. Explained by Kivenko ( 1994 ) 1.2.1 The component of fabricating lead clip can be farther divided into: Queue clip before processing. Put up clip. Run ( treating ) clip. Waiting clip after processing. Move clip. There is an of import follow-on consequence to cut downing the frequence of set-ups. Just as presenting computing machine integrated fabricating removes operator engagement and operator accomplishments wasting ( Coble and Bohn, 1997 ) , diminishing set-up frequence drives set-up proficiency down. The danger is an of all time downward spiral of cut downing set-up frequence and increasing batch size. Even when the operator component is reduced or replaced in â€Å" flexible †fabricating systems, the public presentation is in some instances worse than the manual system. Rather than bring forthing more assortment of lower volume, these systems frequently produce less assortment of higher volume ( Meyer, 1993 ) . That is to state, set-up clip is reduced and batch size increased. ( Youngman, 2003 ) 2.1.2 Bottleneck A constriction is the resource that constrains or limits the end product of the overall operating unit. In a line flow procedure design, the constriction is the procedure phase with the highest rhythm clip. In a occupation store or batch procedure design, the constriction can be more hard to place. Certain pieces of equipment and/or specific people may be used at multiple procedure phases. ( Prasad, 1995 ) 2.1.3 BATCH SIZE Page ( 2003 ) explained â€Å" batch †is the term usually used for the measure of a peculiar merchandise to be made all in one spell. An full batch of work might take several yearss to finish. Traditionally, this would affect the batch traveling through one operation at a clip, and it would n’t be allowed to travel to the following operation until the full batch measure had gone through the current phase of processing. The batch is kept together like this to let the inspector a opportunity to compare the constituents from the beginning, center and terminal of the batch to specification all at the same clip. It is easy to maintain WIP on procedure. Schragenhein and Dettmer ( 2000 ) said that increasing batch size affects work-in-process stock list degrees, fabricating lead clip, local and planetary safety clip issues, and finished goods stock degrees by increasing them. Increased batch size affects quality and throughput by diminishing them. However, good thought-out alterations to critical batch sizes can enormously alter these parametric quantities within a procedure. It does so non by rushing up machine or procedure clip, but by cut downing idle clip when work sits on the workshop floor ( or office desk, or computing machine difficult disc ) between procedure points after cut down batch size found that smaller batches can travel much faster. Batch size issues at a formal degree have tended to be treated as a trade-off analysis or optimisation between set-up or ordination costs, storage and retention costs, and stock out costs ( Jaber and Bonner, 1996 ) . The attendant optimum batch size is known as the Economic Order Quantity or EOQ. ( Trigeiro, Thomas and Jo, 1989 ) . However, while most everyone knows about Economic Order Quantity, really few people of all time bother to cipher it. There is a far more cardinal driver to batch size. The cardinal driver is cut downing â€Å" non-productive †set-up clip, and maximising â€Å" productive †processing or machine clip. There are normally really strong measuring inducements – timesheets – which cause workshop floor forces to minimise set-up clip and maximise procedure clip. The easiest manner to make this is to diminish the frequence of set-ups by increasing the batch size. There is, nevertheless, another more elusive and less frequently expressed driver at work every bit good. ( Spearman, 1996 ) Some considerations when taking the figure for batch size: Koskela ( 1992 ) If the figure is excessively big, the sum of queue infinite taken up on both terminals of the nexus becomes inordinate. Messages take up queue infinite when they are non committed, and can non be removed from waiting lines until they are committed. If there is likely to be a steady flow of messages, you can better the public presentation of a channel by increasing the batch size. However, this has the negative consequence of increasing restart times, and really big batches may besides impact public presentation. If message flow features indicate that messages arrive intermittently, a batch size of 1 with a comparatively big disconnect clip interval may supply better public presentation. Even though liable messages on a fast channel do non wait for a sync point, they do lend to the batch-size count. Thin rules can be used to better productiveness driven by workers, based on their cognition of the work and equipment, with the end of increasing value added work ( Holly and Gaskins, 2004 ) 2.1.4 Cycle clip is linked to other facets of Thin Continuous betterment leads to step betterments in rhythm clip one time takt times come down for all stairss. Standardized work is a cardinal to doing rhythm clip work on the floor. 2.2 Principles of Lean Lean was started at Toyota because they wanted a clear definition of client value. It acknowledges that all value is created by some procedure. Therefore, Lean can develop procedures that are waste or â€Å" muda †is defined by Shoichio Toyoda, laminitis of Toyota, as â€Å" anything other than the minimal sum of equipment, stuffs, parts, infinite and worker ‘s clip which are perfectly indispensable to add value to the merchandise. †Lean is a methodological analysis that is used to increase velocity and cut down the cost of any procedure by extinguishing waste. A Thin enterprise is to give a simple manner of understanding the impact of attempts through be aftering betterment activities, look intoing the consequences and doing appropriate accommodations. In add-on, Lean tools aid to find the fiscal impact of betterments such as increasing stock list bends, cut downing work-in-process and cut downing changeover clip. ( Ohno, 1990 ) The Toyota Production System ( TPS ) identifies seven signifiers of waste in fabrication, which Ohno calls â€Å" The Seven Deadly Wastes. †The wastes can be classified as follows: Overproduction: doing more than needed Inventory: material puting around ( frequently a symptom of another waste ) Defects: Time spent repairing defects, including defect that get thrown off and the clip make the merchandise right Waiting: Waiting clip for making something.. Over processing: devising to a higher quality criterion than expected by the client. Transportation system: extra moving of stuff. Gesture: inefficient people motion. Thin Manufacturing is an operational scheme oriented toward accomplishing the shortest possible rhythm clip by extinguishing waste. It is derived from the Toyota Production System and its cardinal push is to increase the value-added work by extinguishing waste and cut downing incidental work. The technique frequently decreases the clip between a client order and cargo, and it is designed to radically better profitableness, client satisfaction, throughput clip, and employee morale. ( Michael and Kentaro, 1998 ) 2.2.1 Features of a Leans procedure The features of Lean procedure aid to flux of procedure run every bit continuously as possible with a rapid rhythm clip. The precise description of each work station activity stipulating rhythm clip, take-time, the work sequence of specific undertakings, and the minimal stock list of parts on manus needed to carry on the activity ( Stenzel, 2007 ) . The features of thin procedures are: Make to order Single-piece production Just-In-Time materials/pull programming Short rhythm times Quick conversion Continuous flow work cells Compressed infinite Multi-skilled employees High first-pass outputs with major decreases in defects 2.2.2 Thin tools Thin fabrication tools can decide many jobs in production lines. In This chapter we will concentrate on thin tools that concern this survey by utilizing standard work and rapid conversion. Standard Work: Definition The definition of standard work was explained by Jeff Hajek ( 2009 ) a common term given to any aggregation of clip value. The format of the information is as tabular arraies or worksheets. The informations can be utilized in concurrence with deliberate rhythm clip but can non make up one’s mind the operating parametric quantities for a works supplying a thin fabrication environment. Standard Work has three chief constituents: It is balanced to the takt clip. It specifies standard work-in-process ( WIP ) . It defines the sequence of operations for a individual operator. The precise description of each work activity stipulating rhythm clip, undertaking clip, the work sequence of specific undertakings, and the minimal stock list of parts on manus needed to carry on the activity. Henry Ford said that â€Å" If you think of standardisation as the best that you know today, but which is to be improved tomorrow – you get someplace. But if you think of criterions as confining, so advancement Michigans. †Somnath Kundu ( 2008 ) studied the application of design mechanization to cut down rhythm clip of hydro turbine design. Because of the rapid growing in the demand for electricity and increased recognition hazards in the fiscal markets, there is a strong concern deriver? To cut down the design to committee rhythm clip of procedure. The first measure that is of import is standardisation. The key to success for any design mechanization undertaking is standardisation: The standardisation of the merchandise construction and design pattern and automatizing the same has given the user an border over its rivals. Front Line Professionals ( 2001 ) : said that Standardized work is one of the most powerful thin tools. Professionals that do the work on the floor can frequently outdo papers the current best patterns. Establishing standardised work relies on Roll uping and entering informations as it really happens. Such standardised patterns serve as the baseline for kaizen or uninterrupted betterment. As the criterion is improved, the new criterion becomes the baseline for farther betterments, and so on. Standardizing the work adds subject to the civilization, an component that is often neglected but indispensable for thin transmutation. Standardized work besides supports audits, promotes job resolution, and involves squad members in developing safety guards ( poka-yokes ) . All of the standardisation attempts need to be surrounded and embedded in the civilization of the thin organisation. Takt clip: Definition Takt Time comes from a German word ‘takt ‘ significance beat. The definition of Take clip was explained by Jon Miller ( 2003 ) is a 1 of the cardinal rules in a Thin Enterprise. Takt Time sets the ‘beat ‘ of the organisation in synch with client demand. Takt Time balances the work load of assorted resources and identifies constrictions. Takt Time is a simple construct, yet counter-intuitive, and frequently baffled with rhythm clip or machine velocity. In order for fabricating cells and assembly lines to be designed and built Lean, a thorough apprehension of Takt Time is required. Takt Time is used to fit the gait of work to the mean gait of client demand. Takt is non a figure that can be measured and is non to be mistaken with rhythm clip, which is the clip it takes to finish one undertaking. Cycle clip may be less than, more than, or equal to Takt Time. The expression for Takt clip is: Takt clip = Net Available Time per Day Customer Demand per Day Rapid alteration overtime SMED ( individual minute exchange of dice ) is a theory and tools set of techniques that make it possible to put up or alteration overtime equipment. Change overtime is the clip from when the last goods item/piece comes off a machine or out of a measure until the first good item/piece of the following service/product is made. Changeover clip includes set up, warm up, test tally, accommodation, first-piece review, etc. Changeover Time is the sum of clip it takes to alter over equipment/programs/ files/documents from the terminal of the old measure to the beginning of the current measure. Changeover is the sum of Set-up clip and Run-up clip. Changeover can be the clip and do the difference between a good merchandise and a good merchandise at the right velocity. If can cut down alteration overtime, can cut down rhythm clip of procedure as good. Jaikumar ( 1986 ) while Dave ( 1996 ) need to cut down machinery alteration overtime because have two biggest wastes are overrun and WIP waiting lines. There is one â€Å" existent †issue that must be overcome in order to greatly cut down batch size without increasing cost. The constituent of alteration overtime following list: Internal apparatus takt that can be performed merely while the machine is shut down. External set up takt that can be performed while the machine is running Effectss of alteration overtime Decrease Batch size can be reduced. Aid to cut down stock list. Increase the capacity on constriction equipment. Aid to extinguish the apparatus bit 2.2.3 Traditional V. Thin Fabrication A cardinal difference in Thin Manufacturing is that it is based on the construct that can be driven by existent client demand. Alternatively of bring forthing what you hope to sell ; Lean Manufacturing can bring forth what your client wants with shorter lead times. Alternatively of forcing merchandise to market, it ‘s pulled at that place through a system that ‘s set up to rapidly react to client demand. 2.2.3 Traditional V. Thin Fabrication A cardinal difference in Thin Manufacturing is that it is based on the construct that production can and should be driven by existent client demand. Alternatively of bring forthing what you hope to sell ; Lean Manufacturing can bring forth what your client wants with shorter lead times. Alternatively of forcing merchandise to market, it ‘s pulled at that place through a system that ‘s set up to rapidly react to client demand. 2.3 Simulation Modeling Simulation is the dynamic representation of a existent system by a computing machine theoretical account which behaves in the same mode as the system itself. In the fabrication industry, simulation represents the dynamic fabrication procedure in the computing machine theoretical account, and shows diagrammatically and over fake clip the effects of a possible scenario to back up the decision-making procedure. Bielunska and Gun ( 2002 ) .A conventional information flow of fabricating simulation is shown in Figure 2-4. Manufacturing simulation converts the elaborate operational informations into the direction information. It enables assorted scenarios to be tested without big investing on puting up a pilot line or interrupting the production. It eliminates the common job in fabricating industry: constrictions 2.3.1 Application Areas of Manufacturing Simulation. In the fabrication companies, directors and applied scientists are able to measure the public presentation of fabricating procedure under several different sets of status to place the proper layout and operational policy. That can lend to accomplish better production public presentation such as high throughput, short lead clip, low work-in-process ( WIP ) , and high resource use. Case of the application of fabricating simulation by the current users are: Implementing new fabrication construct Imperfect design from the debut of this construct can do the production end product decrease ; nevertheless, the possible jobs can be identified by simulation. The re-layout undertaking of National Semiconductor Malaysia studied in one procedure Tung, Wang and Sun ( 1995 ) by utilizing simulation is the good case. Before application of new layout, the kineticss of simulation benefit indentified the possible jobs, helped the affecting section to understand the procedure of new layout, and saved 5 % on the capital investing. Bettering bing procedure; the bing procedure demand to be adapted to manage the new demand when new merchandises are launched or demand pattern becomes different from the yesteryear. Simulation is really effectual to analyze the impact of alteration to smooth the alteration. Motorola Malaysia was reported the economy to be US $ 250,000 equivalent of capacity addition within one twelvemonth after the company usage simulation to analyze the merchandise mix and batch size to better the apparatus clip and machine aid clip Yong ( 1994 ) . Reducing Work-In-Process ( WIP ); a high WIP is frequently built because of unexpected dislocations, taking to a high stock list cost, slow stuff flow, and inflexible merchandise mix. Simulation is used to analyse the sensitiveness of WIP degrees. Flextronics Singapore used simulation to analyze the most economical manner to cut down WIP and the consequence reported at more than 50 % decrease, significantly improved others company public presentation such as stock list, bringing public presentation Chang and Kum ( 1994 ) . Merchandise timing: Simulation is superb for make up one’s minding the order lading sequence and operation timing. It was arranged a systematic direction to the merchandise store degree. It is easy to happen this simulation on a day-to-day footing to bring forth timing instructions to the operations of PCB Manufacturing CIMTEX ( 1994 ) at Digital Singapore. These besides greatly reduced WIP and stabilized operations. 2.3.2 Core propensity construct and Simulation To set up the direction acquisition by following a description of how simulation is being usage since it increasing larning perceptual experience. Along prognostic simulation tilting theoretical account. Learning period is greatly reduced and eliminates waste. Majority companies have been utilizing simulation to happen solution to making value or merchandise betterment procedure. Simulator procedure created an thought tool for developing alternate procedure scenarios to help the public presentation of current operation inefficiencies. Furthermore, the function theoretical account to extinguish through the atilt execution. 2.4 Review of related surveies. 2.5 Researching Model Work: The nucleus constructs of the theoretical account are a type of intermediate theory that attempt to link to all facet of enquiry ( e.g. , job probe, intent, literature reappraisal, methodological analysis informations aggregation and analysis ) . This theoretical account is able to make the maps that give coherency to empirical enquiry. Due to the theoretical accounts are possible similarity to empirical enquiry, they take different signifiers depending upon the research inquiry or job in figure 2-5. 2.5.1 The constituent of the rhythm clip determination elements: Processing clip: timing that the thing is being worked on by an operation. To analyzing this affair earnestly by utilizing tool ; a stop watch from camera – following unit being processed by one operator – all the manner through the procedure ( or sub-process ) . Waiting clip: timing between sub-process that the thing gets shuffled around or sits around waiting for person to work on it. Equally good as cognizing â€Å" Waiting A ; Transportation Time †or â€Å" Inventory/Transpiration Time. In this instance have consequence from waiting clip in each work station and wait clip of portion of auto theoretical account. Change overtime ; the sum of clip takes to alter over the devising or plan from the terminal to old measure to the current measure. If you have to takes ever will consequence with entire rhythm clip. Since a batch size of one has been unpracticed the end is in improve productiveness sporadically. The finally reduces stock list carry costs, work in advancement, and rhythm clip. Besides this enabling the company operates productively at lower borders. 2.5.2 The significance of component of the finding in rhythm clip decrease. Productiveness: From analyzing shown manner to better productiveness by cut down rhythm clip in order to protect loss sale, cut down cost in fabrication and increase client satisfaction. A cost incurred by a concern when it is unable to make full an order and must finish it subsequently. A back order cost can be distinct, as in the cost to replace a specific piece of stock list, or intangible, such as the effects of hapless client service. On clip deliver: one of the ground why is company demand to cut down rhythm clip. The existent measuring will be the per centum of units you produce that run into your client ‘s deadline. Is n’t it interesting that it has to make with the client ‘s deadline. In this chapter, the research worker has discussed relevant constructs in rhythm clip decrease by usage simulation to optimal batch size every bit good as suggesting the construct model for this research undertaking. In the following chapter, the research worker will explicate the methodological attack this undertaking. How to cite The topic of reducing cycle time, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Systems Research and Behavioral Science
Question: Discuss about the Systems Research and Behavioral Science. Answer: Introduction: With the advancement of the modern day technology, its application within the education sector has become highly popular. This has all together introduced a new form of education and it is mainly done with the help of the latest forms of electronic gadgets and equipments. In general the e-learning is referred to any forms of degree education that is completely delivered in the online basis (Kattoua et al., 2016). This form of education is believed to be one of the best forms of education in the context of recent times as it is cost effective and can be availed from all from any parts of the globe. Nevertheless, as it is with all forms of modern technology, the electronic form of education is also associated with some major challenges. According to Wright (2010), it is highly challenging for most of the students and instructors to switch from traditional forms of learning and prepare their mindset with the new form. Moreover, there are many educators, who strongly believe in the traditional forms and are highly resistive towards the change. The lack of awareness among the people due to unavailability of proper training with the use of the electronic gadgets is regarded as one of the issues in this context. Framing of the Research questions The aim of this current literature is to address the questions related to the research topic. With the help of the research question, it is possible to deal with the issues that are related with the current research topic. What are the main advantages of electronic form of learning than the traditional learning? What are the issues and drawbacks that are faced by the electronic form of learning? How is issues related to electronic learning can be resolved, which will help all the educators and learners to get full benefit of the modern form of education? Scope of the literature review The current literature will discuss all the issues related to the electronic learning and also try to provide necessary relevant solutions. The research is done by conducting systemic review of existing literature related to the e-learning. All the previously conducted research work related to the electronic devices that are used to improve education is included in the study. On the other hand, the research works that are done on electronic devices, which are not used for education purpose, are not included in the current study. The study will also highlight on the importance of training programs that are used to improve the skills of the learners and educators. Selection of databases for conducting Research and assessing the quality of study For the current literature, all the major databases related electronic and academic researches are included. The Science Direct and Scopus are the major relevant databases that are used in the purpose of searching relevant information related to the research topic. The databases that are selected are of high reliable and thus standard quality of evidence can be expected from these sources. The evidences that are collected from the relevant databases are summarized properly will help to address the issues and challenges that are faced by the electronic form of learning. It will also be possible to address the gaps that exist in the existing literature related to the electronic learning. Conducting of literature review In spite of the modern advancement of electronic technology, the major challenge related to the application of electronic learning has been the resistance that is shown by the traditional educators and learners (Persico et al., 2014). The recent studies that are conducted by Kattoua et al., (2016), have showed the application of e-learning not only depends on the use of electronic gadgets, but also on the individual factors that include the social culture and behavior of the people. According to the research work of Tan et al., (2014), the use of the latest electronic form of education has helped the students of remote parts of the globe to get access to the latest trends and information related to the respective domain of education. On the other hand, Cox (2013), has highlighted upon the fact that long-term exposure to the electronic devices that are used in the education have caused chronic diseases among the learners that includes eye sight problems. The learners also deprived of the real-time interaction with the teachers, which is an important part of the all forms of education. The current literature do not however, focuses on increasing the awareness of the educators, which is regarded as the major gap and that needs to addressed for better future prospect of the e-learning. References Cox, M. J. (2013). Formal to informal learning with IT: research challenges and issues for e?learning.Journal of computer assisted learning,29(1), 85-105. Kattoua, T., Al-Lozi, M., Alrowwad, A. A. (2016). A Review of Literature on E-Learning Systems in Higher Education.International Journal of Business Management Economic Research,7(5). Persico, D., Manca, S., Pozzi, F. (2014). Adapting the Technology Acceptance Model to evaluate the innovative potential of e-learning systems.Computers in Human Behavior,30, 614-622. Tan, W., Chen, S., Li, J., Li, L., Wang, T., Hu, X. (2014). A trust evaluation model for E?learning systems.Systems Research and Behavioral Science,31(3), 353-365. Wright, N. (2010).e-Learning and implications for New Zealand schools: A literature review. Ministry of Education.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Tan, Amy Joy Luck Club Essays - Chinatown, San Francisco, Emotions
Tan, Amy Joy Luck Club In the novel "The Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan, the ignorance, the = disregard of, and the necessity of love are all introduced as the = characters tell their life stories and memories. The characters in "The = Joy Luck Club" take love for granted.=20 By ignoring love, concentrating more on material possessions, and = hiding their true identities, the characters don't realize loves = importance. One character that takes love for granted is Harold, Lena = St. Clair's husband. This occurs when Lena leans over to him in their = car and states "I love you." He responds by asking Lena a question about = his car, which seems to be more important to him than his relationship = with her. Harold does not realize the importance of love. He only thinks = about material possessions. By Harold not revealing his true nature, he = reveals that he has a lack of love for himself as an individual. The = love of yourself is a necessity in life because it provides = self-respect; if one respects oneself, one will respect and love others. = The story of Lindo Jong provides insight into the concept of revealing = your true nature. To "keep everything inside" as does Lindo Jong, = provides for not being able to experience love to its fullest. Lindo = Jong hides "under a red! marriage scarf" in attempt to shield herself from the outside world. By = hiding under the scarf, she demonstrates that to be able to love, you = must be able to first reveal your true nature. Ying-Ying St. Clair = stands as an example of the desire to remain hidden as she says, "All = these years I kept my true nature hidden, running along like a small = shadow so nobody could catch me." The image of the shadow relates = directly to the red marriage scarf. They both attempt to provide the = concealment of their true natures, because the result of revealing your = true self may be that of "pain". The importance of love goes unnoticed = as the characters take love for granted and expect it to naturally come = to them. The ceasing of taking love for granted does occur later and has = its results and consequences.=20 The characters realize that they are taking love for granted when they = feel meaningless and uncomfortable, and stop doing so by either ending = the relationship or confronting the problem. By not taking love for = granted and realizing "there's absolutely nothing left to save" in her = marriage, Rose Hsu Jordan recognizes that she must divorce her husband. = Rose Hsu Jordan does not feel comfortable with her life and feels that = she is living under false pretences. She comprehends that she is not = what she continually pretends to be. Therefore, she stops taking love = for granted and ignoring it, and instead moves on to a better, more = comfortable life with a feeling of being needed. Lindo Jong compares = love to a hill and as to heaven. This hill symbolizes the steps that she = must take to truly attain love and enter heaven, her comparison to = happiness and a comfortable lifestyle. Love proves hard to attain but = Lindo Jong learns to embrace it and accept it as best she can.=20 The "pained feeling" at the "beginning of love" provides insight into = the revelation of the true nature of the character. This pained feeling, = the lifting of the scarf or the shadow, opens the door to the true = nature of the character. This love provides better understanding and a = better love of your own character. It makes the people more comfortable = with themselves and makes them feel important, needed, and loved. =20
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Biography- Fat Man in The Middle-Germound essays
Biography- Fat Man in The Middle-Germound essays In the biography Fat Man In A Middle Seat on Jack W. Germonds life as a reporter the reader if not already knowing, learns about a man who knew everyone, saw everything, and went everywhere involving politics. The places, people, and situations involving Germonds life were inflicted in his writing. Some feel strong to say Germond was one, if not the best political writer of his time. There are many positives of a couple of negatives to this biography and the manner in which Germond approached politics in his work. The author was very analytical, using his professional background to support his writing, using the content of politics, which was merely factual in support of his many thesis, Jack W. Germond is a very analytical writer. Since Germond had been around politics and had meet many people in politics he covered every bases possible. Without reading his writings for the Washington Star and Baltimore Sun, in his biography you get a great idea of his style, and approach, toward the facts, and his opinion on politics at the time. Germond being analytical caused him to step on many toes in his writing. Not offending everyday political parties but rather the politics themselves. Society loved Nelson A. Rockefeller, however, in Germonds writing the people saw a side of Rockefeller that know one had really seen, except Germond himself, and he did not hold back in any manner. What Germond saw he wrote for the people themselves to know, and see as if they had met Rockefeller. Knowing what people were all about and what their intentions were, helped Germond to move up the ladder, and analyzing was the platform to do so. Germond was a professional with the background that created success. As said before Germond had many opinions, in which many were liberal. All of Germonds readers no matter what political opinions they had, ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Political Conservatism and the Role of Religion
Political Conservatism and the Role of Religion Quite often, those on the left of the political spectrum dismiss political conservative ideology as the product of religious fervor. At first blush, this makes sense. After all, the conservative movement is populated by people of faith. Christians, Evangelicals, and Catholics tend to embrace the key aspects of conservatism, which include limited government, fiscal discipline, free enterprise, a strong national defense, and traditional family values. This is why many conservative Christians side with Republicanism politically. The Republican Party is most associated with championing these conservative values. Members of the Jewish faith, on the other hand, tend to drift toward the Democratic party because history supports it, not because of a particular ideology. According to author and essayist Edward S. Shapiro in American Conservatism: An Encyclopedia, most Jews are descendants of central and Eastern Europe, whose liberal parties in contrast to right-wing opponents favored Jewish emancipation and the lifting of economic and social restrictions on Jews. As a result, Jews looked to the Left for protection. Along with the rest of their traditions, Jews inherited a left-wing bias after emigrating to the United States, Shapiro says. Russell Kirk, in his book, The Conservative Mind, writes that, with the exception of antisemitism, The traditions of race and religion, the Jewish devotion to family, old usage, and spiritual continuity all incline the Jew toward conservatism. Shapiro says Jewish affinity for the left was cemented in the 1930s when Jews enthusiastically supported Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal. They believed that the New Deal had succeeded in alleviating the social and economic conditions in which antisemitism flourished and, in the election of 1936, Jews supported Roosevelt by a ratio of nearly 9 to 1. While its fair to say that most conservatives use faith as a guiding principle, most try to keep it out of political discourse, recognizing it as something intensely personal. Conservatives often will say that the Constitution guarantees its citizens freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. In fact, there is plenty of historical evidence that proves, despite Thomas Jeffersons famous quote about a wall of separation between church and state, the Founding Fathers expected religion and religious groups to play an important role in the development of the nation. The religion clauses of the First Amendment guarantee the free exercise of religion, while at the same time protecting the nations citizens from religious oppression. The religion clauses also ensure that the federal government cannot be overtaken by one particular religious group because Congress cannot legislate one way or another on an establishment of religion. This precludes a national religion but also prevents the government from interfering with religions of any kind. For contemporary conservatives, the rule of thumb is that practicing faith publicly is reasonable, but proselytizing in public is not.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Virtual Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Virtual Management - Essay Example It is important for virtual teams to connect their daily activities with the strategy and objectives of the business to remain committed and engaged over time. This in turn contributes to the success of the organization. High performing virtual teams establish better decision-making and better problem solving process than low performing ones. Decision making and ensuring that the rightful information reaches the right people is challenging for virtual teams whose members are located in different time zones or who converse through email or phone. It is important for virtual team leaders to establish communication processes early and revisit them over time. Most of the virtual teams have little face-to-face contacts with their members or work under different time zones. That is why they face challenges in communication with their members. High performing teams always have a way to work around these challenges unlike the low performing virtual teams. High performing virtual team members respond quickly to problems, providing each other with the required information, involving each other in decisions making and providing each other with necessary feedback. They have various technologies of communicating with each other and updating one another. Good communication strategy with each other increases the success of the virtual teams with ample face-to-face meetings every now and then. It is important for the virtual team members to exercise trust with each other since lack of trust can lead to unsuccessful virtual work arrangements (Zofi, 2011). Trust is important for the success of the virtual team members because most of these members rarely see one another and others have never met in person. Thus, they relate on inter-personal trust based on their personal relationships. Virtual teams rely on the task-based trust where they believe that members will do their jobs in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Same-Sex Families Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Same-Sex Families - Research Paper Example This would be an attempt to fill the gap in the body of literature concerning the same sex couples. The results of my research will be useful in many ways. Particularly, they would serve to satisfy the doubts, curiosity and misconceptions people generally have with respect to the same sex marriages. In my research, I will involve the homosexual couples that have been united by the civil union. Because I want to know the differences (if any) between marital satisfaction of homosexual and straight couples, the relationship between both types of couples will be studied with respect to certain factors, common to both. Particularly, the aim of my research is to find whether the struggles homosexual married couples go through, the hardship they face and the criticism they are conventionally offered intensifies their love and affection or has a negative influence on their relationship. It is expected that the more their relationship is criticized, the stronger their relationship becomes. Gay and lesbian couples are similar to straight couples in a number of ways. For example, the affinity, and hence the satisfaction level between partners in all sorts of couples gradually declines with the passage of time irrespective of the sexual orientation of individual partners. (Farr, Forssell, and Patterson, 2010, p. 200). The literature review about homosexual couples in 1991 suggested same satisfaction level in gay and lesbian couples as noticed in straight couples. (Whiteman, Diddel, and Hohengarten, 2005, p. 14). Review of existing body of literature suggests that many homosexual partners deal their relationship more wisely than heterosexual partners. Homosexuals tend to be more prudent in sustaining their marital relationship typically because they know, that it takes much less effort to break free of a homosexual bond than a heterosexual relationship. (Gottman and Levenson, 2003, p. 88).
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Health Risks of Energy Drink Essay Example for Free
Health Risks of Energy Drink Essay Introduction People want immediate results in the middle of the busy day, after exercise, or any other activity which requires them to recharge themselves. So, instead of focusing on key natural ways such as sleep habits, improving diets we used to go for certain energy drinks available in the market without knowing the pros and cons of these drinks related to our health. Recent researches on the consumption of energy drinks have proved that the excessive use of these types of drinks can cause severe health risk including increase in systolic pressure, insomnia, and various other discussed later in the paper. It is the common phenomena that energy drink used to rebuild the energy lost during the exercise, which is not right. Similarly, it does not help burn calories, neither it speed ups the metabolism nor it provides long lasting energy to our body. Energy drinks are the fastest growing beverages market (Bornstein, 2011). Youth is reportedly consumers more energy drinks than other demographic variable. There are various energy drinks available in the market targeting the same type of crowd with different slogan and appeals. Some have focused on athletes, some on teenagers and students etc. Excessive caffeine can cause various health problems such as insomnia, jitters, nervousness, gastrointestinal problems, and heart palpitations. Background Statement We see various TV ads focusing on red bull, 5-hour ENERGY, monster etc so are these drinks shelved at the supermarkets. However, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and UK drug inspecting agencies has reported severe health related issues on the consumption of energy drinks. The sales of energy drinks in UK and other parts of the world is increasing so are the concerns after the researches made on this particular subject. Hence, the need is to review the myth surrounding energy drinks consumption. What are energy drinks? According to UK soft drink report (2012), soft drinks are â€Å"traditional glucose based energy drinks; functional or stimulation energy drinks which claim a particular energy boost from caffeine, Guarani, turbine and ginseng or other herbs or some combination of these ingredients†. The ingredients used in these energy drinks act as a stimulant to the central nervous system of our brain. These include caffeine or Guarani and vitamins etc. Health Risk There are various serious health risks associated with the consumption of energy drinks. Some of these health risks are discussed in this section. Drinking energy drinks in moderation is not necessarily harmful. Excessive consumption of energy drinks containing caffeine, however, can result in the same health effects related to consuming too much caffeine, such as insomnia, jitters, nervousness, gastrointestinal problems, and heart palpitations. Like sodas, the amount of sugar and empty calories (calories that do not contain nutrients) in energy drinks contribute to poor dietary health when consumed regularly. Hence, the affects of these drinks are short term as well long term. These affects are categorized below: Short term affects †¢ Hurts performance †¢ Increased heart rate †¢ Abnormal heart rhythm and other problems †¢ Crabby †¢ Trouble Concentrating †¢ Negative interactions with medications †¢ Increased Blood Pressure Long term affects †¢ Caffeine Addiction †¢ Liver Failure †¢ Sleep Apnea †¢ Kidney Failure †¢ Cardiovascular Disease So, it is better to be aware of these health issues and do not use more than 100mg/day of the caffeine as per health official recommendation. Conclusion After reviewing the ingredients, myths, and other factors surrounding the energy drinks it can be concluded that excessive use of caffeine i.e. by consuming more energy drink will certainly lead us to the several health risks which might be short term as well as long term. So, the need for the people is to get educate themselves, so is the responsibility of the energy drink manufacturers to warn the customers of the potential health hazards associated with the particular drink. References Roy-Bornstein, C. (2011). Just Say No to Energy Drinks. Pediatrics For Parents, 27(7/8), 11. UK soft drink report (2012) Available at: http://www. britishsoftdrinks. com/PDF/UK%20soft%20drinks%20report%202012. pdf.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Gertrudes Suicide :: essays research papers
Gertrude’s Suicide? In the Shakespearean tragedy "Hamlet," Prince Hamlet’s mother Gertrude encounters many misfortunes, which she feels that she is to blame for. Gertrude was brought into the middle of everybody’s dilemmas and thus felt responsible for the occurrences that happened to all of the significant characters throughout the play. She allows her emotions to build up in an unhealthy manner and this leads to her eventual death. The question that surrounds her death is whether she committed suicide or led a natural demise? This is an unknown fact because on the night of her death she drank a poisoned cup of wine which was meant for Hamlet. However there was a possibility that Gertrude knew that the wine had deadly toxins in it. Although there is no definite guarantee that she committed suicide, the evidence is overwhelming that she knew that the wine was tainted. Prior to the opening of the drama, Gertrude was having an incestuous affair with her husbands brother, Claudius. Claudius then killed his brother (King Hamlet), and shortly after married Gertrude. Prince Hamlet could not handle this and was disgusted by the entire situation. He then decided to put on an "Antic Disposition," meaning that he will pretend to be crazy in order to find out the details of what is going on. Gertrude observes that Hamlet is not his usual self, and she feels responsible because her remarriage is so soon after her old husbands death. This makes Gertrude feel absolutely terrible and could be a possible justification for suicide. The Chief Counselor of Denmark, Polonius and his family, play a big role in determining the motivation of a possible suicide. Hamlet was in the midst of avenging his fathers death, to kill Claudius. He was having a conversation with his mom when he heard someone in the room spying on them. Thinking it was Claudius, he drew his sword and stabbed though the curtain where the impostor was in concealment. It turned out to be Polonius, who was now dead, and again Gertrude couldn’t help but feel accountable. Polonius’ daughter Ophelia was affected dramatically by his death. She was romantically involved with Hamlet, and couldn’t handle the fact that her boyfriend murdered her father. This destroyed Ophelia’s character and led to her suicide. Polonius’ son Laertes, had now lost his entire family and wanted to get revenge by assassinating Hamlet. Laertes was having a meeting with Claudius and they were planning the details of how to kill Hamlet.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Owning Feelings
The purpose of this paper is to explain to you the skills I have used in communicating in relationships. I realized how I have been applying skills like owning feelings, sending clear messages, and describing feelings. Also other skills like coming from an â€Å"adult, child, or parent†places and using assertive behavior instead aggressive and passive behaviors. When I communicate mainly with my boyfriend, family, and friends, I see how the skills in communication in relationships really work. From learning how to own my feelings, I have learned to let people make me feel something. When I communicate with my boyfriend, I see how much we don’t own our feelings. It’s always â€Å"you make upset†, â€Å"you make me sick†, instead of â€Å"when you are frequently late to pick me up, I feel upset, and I would appreciate it when you pick me up at the time I ask. †I would always judge his behavior; like when he is laughing at the top of his lungs, I would call him inconsiderate because I feel to be so loud while I’m on the phone, is rude. When I say those things, I don’t see that he doesn’t realize that I find he is being inconsiderate because he is not trying to be. That is just how he is. After looking back in the way my boyfriend and I handle situations, we both come from different places communication-wise. I always come from a â€Å"parent†place, and he comes from a â€Å"child†place. I realized this because in my nature, always wanting to help people, I tend to tell them what to do (I can admit). It works when I’m the leader of a group in class, but not on my boyfriend. I tend to tell him to clean up his mess & what he should do-just being on his case. I feel like he won’t do certain things unless someone is on him. I am this way because he doesn’t own up to his actions sometimes. He likes to blame me when something happens to him, like if I say something to his about doing him looking for a job and his mom over hears and then speaks about it to him, he blames me. Instead of owning the fact that if he was already doing looking for a job, no one would bother him. I realize I need to let him make his mistakes and not act like his mother. In this paper I have discussed, how communication skills such as owning feelings, describing feelings, and sending clear messages affect communication in my relationships. I see that the things I say and my behavior can affect the climate of my relationship with my boyfriend. I tend his mother and he acts like my child.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Facebook vs. Twitter Essay
Of all the many social media outlets out there today, Facebook and twitter are the most popular in my opinion. These two social media phenomenas have several comparisons and differences in various ways. Facebook ranked number one in most used social network world wide, twitter isn’t to far behind on the list. This two social networks are appealing to billions of people all over the world because it helps you get connected with friends and you are able to communicate with them as well through tweets or Facebook chats. Which social network is better? That is for you to answer, however the social network is more beneficial to you may influence which network you prefer to use. First of all, the majority of people seem to think Facebook to be more popular than twitter. The main reason Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook was for people to connect with friends, current friends or friends from high school that you wish to get back in touch with. You can potentially connect with new friends through Facebook as well and meet different people from all of the country. The installed user base for Facebook hit one billion users at the end of september which considered by many to be a milestone that no other social network will surpass anytime soon. The reason users may not be a fan of Facebook or like twitter more is due to the fact that navigation and updates to Facebook or rather difficult and you invest more time into it. When you message somebody on Facebook it’s unlikely that you will get an immediate response from that person unless they are currently on and get notified they have a new message. On the other hand, Twitter’s popularity comes from how easily you can interact with people and you receive rapid response. People like the simplicity of twitter’s navigation and being able to send tweets whenever, if you tweet at someone and that person has the mobile app they will be notified immediately with the ability to respond quickly. Twitter’s similarities with texting are popular with the young crowd such as myself and other students all over the world. Unlike Facebooks large user base that attracts people, unfortunately twitter can’t compete with that, they are known for a much smaller user base. When sending tweets you are limited to only 140 characters, so you must be to the point when sending a tweet. Among these two social networks differences there are also several similarities. You can download both of the networks mobile app to your smart phone and access the network from your phone. Facebook and twitter both allow you to upload pictures on your profile for people and friends to view. Tweets and statuses are similar in the sense users can see what you posted on the news feed, and the popularity and growth of both networks are the biggest similarity the two have in common. Which one do you pick? I have both Facebook and twitter, I enjoy both of them and they are beneficial to my life. In the end I tend to like Facebook just a little bit more due to the interactiveness the network offers. Each network has its pros, cons and attracts people depending on the type of person you are. One person may like twitter better than Facebook, that’s fine and dandy as well, the user has there personal preference based on who they are. At the end of the day both social networks; Facebook and Twitter succeed to curb my enthusiasm.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Sociological Theories Essay Example
Sociological Theories Essay Example Sociological Theories Essay Sociological Theories Essay Social structure is a term frequently used in sociology and social theory - yet rarely defined or clearly conceptualized. In a general sense, the term can refer two; entities or groups in definite relation to each other; relatively enduring patterns of behavior and relationship within a society, or social institutions and norms becoming embedded into social systems in such a way that they shape the behavior of actors within those social systems. Social structural theory and social disorganization theory is the failure of a community structure to understand the common values of its residents and keep social control.Social disorganization theory proposes those macro social forces, such as migration and separation, interrelate with community level factors, such as concentrated hardship and family disturbance, to obstruct social disorganization. Social process theory, says that criminal conduct is a function of a socialization process. This theory says that criminals turn to crime as an effect of peer pressure, family issues, poor school performance, legal entanglements and other circumstances that slowly steer them to criminal behaviors.Social conflict theory is a theory which argues that people and groups within society have differing amounts of goods and non-material resources (rich versus poor) and that the more powerful groups use their power in order to take advantage of groups with less power. There are many different federal, state and local programs that are offered to illustrate each of these theories in order to assist those in need. Social structural theory offers programs where social workers get involved with families to provide a variety of services.Examples of these services are case management which links clients with agencies and programs that will meet their psychosocial needs, counseling and medical needs, human services management, adoption, foster care, community organizing, support, teaching, and social science study. They can assist communi ty health, hospice, hospitals, faith building resources, job training and working closely with families to maintain support. Intervention for social structure is very essential in terms of its practice and techniques. Its main goal is to improve the lives of families groups and people.Social process theories emphasize how people perceive their reality and how these perceptions structure their behavior. In other words how people tend to comprehend what exactly is happening and how their perceptions determine their behavior. (Tittle Grasmick, 1997). Programs offered for the social process theory involve mentoring programs that should, in theory, stop future criminal behavior. The thought behind mentoring programs is that an adult is paired with a child, who apparently learns from the behavior of the adult and is absolutely reinforced for good conduct.Mentoring programs include both youth and school mentoring. Federal funding for targeted mentoring programs has increased in recent yea rs for disadvantaged youth. These programs have been shown, when executed successfully, to endorse positive developmental outcomes in youth within the areas of work and school, mental and physical health, and conduct. Mentoring groups result in families’ bigger participation in school activities, more optimistic communication with family, taking part in more positive activities as a family, enhanced access to community resources, and enlarged support systems.There are benefits for mentors as well which include increased feelings of self-worth, extended support networks, joint problem-solving, expanded social and volunteer activity, enhancement in relationships with other family members, and surprising enjoyment in activities with youth. In response to social conflict, programs were generated for the purpose of creating positive social change. Programs consist of youth empowerment in all aspects. The programs organize around the problems that impact the quality of life of peop le and families.Programs also consist of helping those in prison, reproductive freedom, immigrant rights, privacy and police violence. The goal of these programs are to build and support a community of youth and others working to protect human rights and social justice and to motivate and give power to a new generation of youth to act for meaningful social change.Works cited Siegel, J. Larry Senna, J. Joseph: Study Guide for Siegel/Sennas Essentials of Criminal Justice, 5th Edition (Paperback) Tittle, C. R. , ; Grasmick, H. G. (2003).
Monday, November 4, 2019
Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana
According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) marijuana may help decrease nausea, stimulate appetite, and decrease pain (2006). Alternately, the American Medical Association (AMA) does not support smoked marijuana as medicine (1995-2013). With such conflicting opinions around this highly controversial drug, there are many questions to be answered in order to decide the steps the federal government can/should be made for a final resolution. Argument For Nearly one in ten Americans used marijuana in 2010; however, our nation spends over seven billion per year to enforce the illegalization of this natural substance. A recent poll taken in 2011 shows marijuana has increasingly become the preferred drug for Americans. Overall, 6. 9 percent, or 17. million, of the United States population used marijuana in 2010 according to the survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Increase Use of Marijuana, 2011, para. 2). Dr. Jeffrey Miron, an economics professor at Harvard University, completed a study which determined the approximate cost of enforcing the illegalization of marijuana. The report estimates legalizing marijuana would save, â€Å"$7. 7 billion per year in government expenditure on enforce ment of prohibition. $5. 3 billion of this savings would accrue to state and local governments, while $2. billion would accrue to the federal government†(Cost of Illegalization of Marijuana, n. d. ). The United States has been engaged in a losing battle against marijuana since the implementation of the Uniform Narcotic Act in the 1930’s (Bonnie Whitbread, n. d). We are not only wasting $7. 7 billion per year, but losing potential revenue. Americans could stand to profit a substantial amount of income if marijuana were to be legalized and regulated by the Department of Agriculture. â€Å"Revenue from taxation of marijuana sales would range from $2. billion per year if marijuana were taxed like ordinary consumer goods to $6. 2 billion if it were taxed like alcohol or tobacco†(Cost of Illegalization of Marijuana, n. d. ). Marijuana is not addictive and has a stark contrast of addictive properties when pitted against the addictive characteristics of legalized toba cco and alcohol. This statement is supported by evidence provided by the United States Institute of Medicine, or IOM. The IOM states â€Å"fewer than one in 10 marijuana smokers become regular users of the drug, and most voluntary cease their use after 34 years of age. By comparison, 15 percent of alcohol consumers and 32 percent of tobacco smokers exhibit symptoms of drug dependence†(Supporting evidence, n. d. , para. 2). The IOM also observed cannabis withdrawal symptoms are rare and do not require substitution medicine to stop usage. When marijuana smokers cease consumption, the overwhelming majority do not experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms demanding re-initiating use of marijuana according to the IOM. President Richard Nixon commissioned the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse in 1972. The primary objective the commission was to expose dangers of drug use and provide a detailed report on marijuana. Nixon’s commission issued a report titled, â€Å"Marijuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding,†which reviewed existing marijuana studies and determined marijuana does not cause physical addiction (National Commission on Marijuana, 1974). Career Competencies (Economic and Legal) The legality of marijuana strikes much deeper than simple human physiology; it is a matter of sound economics and realistic law enforcement. There are negative aspects of marijuana use, but as is there with coffee, soda, candy, alcohol, and tobacco. Americans need to revaluate old rhetoric where marijuana was deemed evil and a gateway drug. The only reason marijuana could be considered a gateway drug is because often time’s consumers are exposed to shady drug dealers on a substance deemed as illegal. If Americans opened their eyes and minds to see how much money and effort is wasted to fight a losing battle become aware of how much could be profited from the legalization of marijuana the decision is straightforward; marijuana should be legalized. Argument Against Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is addictive, and can lead to other health problems such as; lung cancer, low sexual drive (libido), and of utmost importance is to address the concern of marijuana as a â€Å"gateway†drug. Addiction has been redefined and continually evolving for decades. Whether a given substance is defined as â€Å"addictive†in a given society or culture, has to do largely with social custom and political convenience. Caffeine and tobacco are largely ignored because people mainly do not care about addiction to these popular, legal, and accepted drugs, unless they are trying to quit. According to the American Psychological Association, APA, addiction â€Å"is a condition in which the body must have a drug to avoid physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms†(2013). Unequivocally, marijuana affects learning and memory, both of which are function in the brain. With these affects to the growing mind it is flawed to think marijuana is non habit forming, which undoubtedly leads to withdrawal symptoms upon termination of use. Marijuana is sex-inhibiting. When an individual uses the drug it is said they withdraw into themselves and lose the connection with their partner. Research into this phenomenon dates back to the 1970’s in which one report showed it reduces testosterone enough to impair the libido in many women and in some men. According to this research, some of the responses included: â€Å"My boyfriend and I have smoked (fairly heavily) for the past year and I would say that it 100% has a terrible effect on our sex life. It’s been a huge libido killer for our relationship†; â€Å"As I’ve continued to use marijuana (been almost five years smoking now) it’s inhibited sex for me more and more†(Castleman, 2012). Furthermore, there is scientific evidence to support that long-term marijuana smoking alters the reproductive system. The gateway theory postulates the use of less harmful drugs (such as marijuana) may lead to future risk of using more dangerous hard drugs. To test this theory a group of researchers in Sweden administered rats the equivalent of the THC (the chemical found in marijuana delivering the â€Å"high†) in one joint to lab rats. After this administration of THC the rats were allowed access to heroin by pressing a lever. According to this study, the rats who were administered the THC took larger doses of heroin than the rats who did not receive the THC injection (Ellgren, 2007). Upon inspection of the rat’s brain, it was discovered the brain cells associated with positive emotions were altered by the THC dosage, thus lending the need for higher drive for more heroin than those without the THC. Ethical Issues More research is needed in order to legislate the use of marijuana. Contemporary medicine and pharmacology are based upon the application of scientific principles and extensive clinical research to determine the safety and efficacy of a drug. Marinol, a synthetic version of the naturally occurring component of marijuana, is a well accepted, well researched, and more effective treatment than marijuana (Kraus, 2007). This approved drug, like marijuana, helps alleviate chronic pain, reduces chemotherapy-related nausea, and with HIV/AIDS treatment it helps with symptoms known as â€Å"wasting syndrome†. Many proponents of legalizing marijuana for these specific illnesses have not looked into marinol as a safe alternative. As a matter of fact the only difference between marinol and marijuana is that marinol does not stimulate the â€Å"high†associated with marijuana. Career Competencies (Psychology) Psychologists from all over the United States attest to the negative effects of cannabis. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) a cannabis user can develop; cannabis intoxication- development of maladaptive behavior that developed shortly after or during cannabis use; cannabis intoxication delirium- a disturbance of consciousness with reduced ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention; cannabis-induced psychotic disorder, with delusions- prominent hallucinations or delusions in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication; and cannabis-induced anxiety disorder- prominent anxiety, panic attacks, or obsessions or compulsions that causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning American Psychiatric Association, (2000). The DSM has other classifications for cannabis use; however the mental disturbances highlighted promote the more severe effects of continued marijuana use. Conclusion Marijuana has the reputation of being a gateway drug, although not every heroin addict started out smoking marijuana. Marijuana is prohibited and it puts individuals in circumstances where they are exposed to harder drugs, therefore if the FDA had regulations on marijuana, those individuals would never have to be exposed to those situations. In regards to the effects of marijuana, like a low sex drive, just like every medication whether it is over the counter or prescribed, there will be side effects which will affect everyone differently. Marijuana has the ability to alleviate aliments such as nausea, and other types of pain. Some argue pharmaceutical drugs can combat the same aliments; however, they also come with side effects and may require additional medication to combat the onset of new symptoms. Taxation of marijuana alone would help the economy. The fact the U. S. is wasting 7. 7 billion dollars enforcing the prohibition of the substance is persuasive enough in its self, as well as the potential revenue brought in by taxing the substance like tobacco or alcohol. Keeping marijuana illegal is only keeping drug dealers in business. While law enforcement continues to chase these petty drug dealers it is costing our taxpayers millions of dollars to put and keep drug dealers behind bars. The legalizing of marijuana would benefit the economy greatly, therefor marijuana should be legalized. The use of Marijuana and Cultural difference between Japan and The United States The history of Cannabis in the country of Japan can be traced back to 300 – 500 BC. Cannabis was a widely used plant for the majority of Japanese culture and daily lives. Cannabis fibers were used to not only create baskets and fishing tools, but were also used in creating divine clothing for the Emperor’s. Burning of cannabis was also used for old traditions, for example rooms of worship were purified by burning cannabis leave by the entrance. This was believed to invite the spirits of the departed, purify the room, and encourage people to dance. Japan’s cultivation of Cannabis came to a halt at the end of World War II when allied forces occupied and began to help rebuild Japan. It was America General Douglas MacArthur and his colleagues who re-wrote the Japanese constitution in 1948 and mirrored many of the United States laws. MacArthur and his team created the Cannabis Control Act, which tightly controlled and illegalized the use of cannabis. Due to the extreme cultivating of cannabis and its widely uses in daily lives, Western companies found a market with providing synthetic products to replace cannabis. Today, cannabis is a drug guarded and considered taboo among the Japanese culture. The use and history of cannabis is all but forgotten within today’s Japanese society, and when it is discovered people have, or are using it recreationally, they are shunned and casted as â€Å"stone-cold drug addicts†(Uno, 2011). Many Japanese people consider marijuana and other ‘hard drugs’ to be the exact same and believe all drugs have the same effect. This ideal thinking of marijuana has lead Japan to be one of the strictest laws and punishments compared to other developed countries. In 1993 a Disc Jockey from New York, Christopher Lavinger, was arrested and was sentenced to 16 months in prison and 35 days in solitary confinement after Japanese police found 1. 5 grams of marijuana, 3. 5 grams of cocaine, and some LSD (Hays, 2009). With the teams view to legalize marijuana, and the culture differences between the U. S. nd Japan, the first step to move towards a ‘Pro-Marijuana’ Japanese country would be to educate the people on the benefits cannabis can provide. As described above, the financial profit gained would be tremendous and can go back to the people in various ways. The people would also need education on their history of using cannabis within their ancient traditions and target many high-profile figures to support the use of marijuana. Because of the strict laws and taboo views Japan has of cannabis, it would be a hard road, but the understanding and education used properly, Japan could create legislation that would override, or amend their constitution and current laws banning its use. References American Medical Association (AMA). (1995-2013). Retrieved from http://www. ama-assn. rg/ American Psychiatric Association, (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (4th ed. ). American Psychological Association (APA). (2013). Retrieved from http://www. apa. org/topics/addiction/index. aspx Argument: Marijuana is not addictive. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 24, 2013, from http://dbp. idebate. org/en /index. php/Argument:_Marijuana_is_not_addictive Bonnie, R. , Whitbread, C. (n. d). The Forbidden Fruit and the Tree of Knowledge: An Inquiry into the Legal History of Historian of American Marijuana Prohibition. Schaffer Library of Drug Policy. Retrieved from http://www. druglibrary. org/schaffer/Library/studies/vlr/vlr3. htm Castleman, Michael. Marijuana’s Effects on Sex Vary with Individuals. †Marijuana. Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Marijuana and Sex: Surprising Results of This Blogger’s Informal Survey. †Psychology Today (1 May 2011). Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 8 Mar. 2013. Ellgren, Maria. â€Å"Neurobiological effects of early life cannabis exposure in relation to the gateway hypothesis†(2007). Retrieved from http://publications. ki. se/xmlui/handle/10616/38245? locale-attribute=en Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2006). Retrieved from http://www. fda. gov/NewsEvents /Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/2006/ucm108643. htm Hays, J. (2009). Marijuana, Legal Highs and Illegal drugs in Japan. Retrieved from http://factsanddetails. com/japan. php? itemid=664 Kraus, Mark L. â€Å"Legalizing Medical Marijuana Is Not a Good Idea. †Medical Marijuana. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Current Controversies. Rpt. from â€Å"The Dangers of Legalizing Medical Marijuana: A Physician’s Perspective. †2007. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. Marijuana use rising in U. S. , national survey shows. (2011). Retrieved March 24, 2013, from http://www. reuters. com/article/2011/09/08/usa-drugs-idUSN1E7870N520110908 Olson, D. (1998). Hempen cultrue in Japan. Retrieved from http://www. cannabisculture. om/articles/101. html/ Stirring the Pot: Could Legalizing Marijuana Save the Economy?. (2013). Retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2012/04/20/stirring-the-pot-could-legalizing-marijuana-save-the-economy/ The first report of the National Commission on marihuana (1972 ): signal of misunderstanding or exercise in ambiguity. (1974). Retrieved from http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC1749335/ The White House President Barak Obama. (2013). Retrieved from http://m. whitehouse. gov/ondcp/marijuana Uno, M. (2011). WEED CRISIS: Enter Japan’s Void. Retrieved from http://www. thestarklife. com/2011/06/17/weed-in-japan/ Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) marijuana may help decrease nausea, stimulate appetite, and decrease pain (2006). Alternately, the American Medical Association (AMA) does not support smoked marijuana as medicine (1995-2013). With such conflicting opinions around this highly controversial drug, there are many questions to be answered in order to decide the steps the federal government can/should be made for a final resolution. Argument For Nearly one in ten Americans used marijuana in 2010; however, our nation spends over seven billion per year to enforce the illegalization of this natural substance. A recent poll taken in 2011 shows marijuana has increasingly become the preferred drug for Americans. Overall, 6. 9 percent, or 17. million, of the United States population used marijuana in 2010 according to the survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Increase Use of Marijuana, 2011, para. 2). Dr. Jeffrey Miron, an economics professor at Harvard University, completed a study which determined the approximate cost of enforcing the illegalization of marijuana. The report estimates legalizing marijuana would save, â€Å"$7. 7 billion per year in government expenditure on enforce ment of prohibition. $5. 3 billion of this savings would accrue to state and local governments, while $2. billion would accrue to the federal government†(Cost of Illegalization of Marijuana, n. d. ). The United States has been engaged in a losing battle against marijuana since the implementation of the Uniform Narcotic Act in the 1930’s (Bonnie Whitbread, n. d). We are not only wasting $7. 7 billion per year, but losing potential revenue. Americans could stand to profit a substantial amount of income if marijuana were to be legalized and regulated by the Department of Agriculture. â€Å"Revenue from taxation of marijuana sales would range from $2. billion per year if marijuana were taxed like ordinary consumer goods to $6. 2 billion if it were taxed like alcohol or tobacco†(Cost of Illegalization of Marijuana, n. d. ). Marijuana is not addictive and has a stark contrast of addictive properties when pitted against the addictive characteristics of legalized toba cco and alcohol. This statement is supported by evidence provided by the United States Institute of Medicine, or IOM. The IOM states â€Å"fewer than one in 10 marijuana smokers become regular users of the drug, and most voluntary cease their use after 34 years of age. By comparison, 15 percent of alcohol consumers and 32 percent of tobacco smokers exhibit symptoms of drug dependence†(Supporting evidence, n. d. , para. 2). The IOM also observed cannabis withdrawal symptoms are rare and do not require substitution medicine to stop usage. When marijuana smokers cease consumption, the overwhelming majority do not experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms demanding re-initiating use of marijuana according to the IOM. President Richard Nixon commissioned the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse in 1972. The primary objective the commission was to expose dangers of drug use and provide a detailed report on marijuana. Nixon’s commission issued a report titled, â€Å"Marijuana: A Signal of Misunderstanding,†which reviewed existing marijuana studies and determined marijuana does not cause physical addiction (National Commission on Marijuana, 1974). Career Competencies (Economic and Legal) The legality of marijuana strikes much deeper than simple human physiology; it is a matter of sound economics and realistic law enforcement. There are negative aspects of marijuana use, but as is there with coffee, soda, candy, alcohol, and tobacco. Americans need to revaluate old rhetoric where marijuana was deemed evil and a gateway drug. The only reason marijuana could be considered a gateway drug is because often time’s consumers are exposed to shady drug dealers on a substance deemed as illegal. If Americans opened their eyes and minds to see how much money and effort is wasted to fight a losing battle become aware of how much could be profited from the legalization of marijuana the decision is straightforward; marijuana should be legalized. Argument Against Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is addictive, and can lead to other health problems such as; lung cancer, low sexual drive (libido), and of utmost importance is to address the concern of marijuana as a â€Å"gateway†drug. Addiction has been redefined and continually evolving for decades. Whether a given substance is defined as â€Å"addictive†in a given society or culture, has to do largely with social custom and political convenience. Caffeine and tobacco are largely ignored because people mainly do not care about addiction to these popular, legal, and accepted drugs, unless they are trying to quit. According to the American Psychological Association, APA, addiction â€Å"is a condition in which the body must have a drug to avoid physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms†(2013). Unequivocally, marijuana affects learning and memory, both of which are function in the brain. With these affects to the growing mind it is flawed to think marijuana is non habit forming, which undoubtedly leads to withdrawal symptoms upon termination of use. Marijuana is sex-inhibiting. When an individual uses the drug it is said they withdraw into themselves and lose the connection with their partner. Research into this phenomenon dates back to the 1970’s in which one report showed it reduces testosterone enough to impair the libido in many women and in some men. According to this research, some of the responses included: â€Å"My boyfriend and I have smoked (fairly heavily) for the past year and I would say that it 100% has a terrible effect on our sex life. It’s been a huge libido killer for our relationship†; â€Å"As I’ve continued to use marijuana (been almost five years smoking now) it’s inhibited sex for me more and more†(Castleman, 2012). Furthermore, there is scientific evidence to support that long-term marijuana smoking alters the reproductive system. The gateway theory postulates the use of less harmful drugs (such as marijuana) may lead to future risk of using more dangerous hard drugs. To test this theory a group of researchers in Sweden administered rats the equivalent of the THC (the chemical found in marijuana delivering the â€Å"high†) in one joint to lab rats. After this administration of THC the rats were allowed access to heroin by pressing a lever. According to this study, the rats who were administered the THC took larger doses of heroin than the rats who did not receive the THC injection (Ellgren, 2007). Upon inspection of the rat’s brain, it was discovered the brain cells associated with positive emotions were altered by the THC dosage, thus lending the need for higher drive for more heroin than those without the THC. Ethical Issues More research is needed in order to legislate the use of marijuana. Contemporary medicine and pharmacology are based upon the application of scientific principles and extensive clinical research to determine the safety and efficacy of a drug. Marinol, a synthetic version of the naturally occurring component of marijuana, is a well accepted, well researched, and more effective treatment than marijuana (Kraus, 2007). This approved drug, like marijuana, helps alleviate chronic pain, reduces chemotherapy-related nausea, and with HIV/AIDS treatment it helps with symptoms known as â€Å"wasting syndrome†. Many proponents of legalizing marijuana for these specific illnesses have not looked into marinol as a safe alternative. As a matter of fact the only difference between marinol and marijuana is that marinol does not stimulate the â€Å"high†associated with marijuana. Career Competencies (Psychology) Psychologists from all over the United States attest to the negative effects of cannabis. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) a cannabis user can develop; cannabis intoxication- development of maladaptive behavior that developed shortly after or during cannabis use; cannabis intoxication delirium- a disturbance of consciousness with reduced ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention; cannabis-induced psychotic disorder, with delusions- prominent hallucinations or delusions in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication; and cannabis-induced anxiety disorder- prominent anxiety, panic attacks, or obsessions or compulsions that causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning American Psychiatric Association, (2000). The DSM has other classifications for cannabis use; however the mental disturbances highlighted promote the more severe effects of continued marijuana use. Conclusion Marijuana has the reputation of being a gateway drug, although not every heroin addict started out smoking marijuana. Marijuana is prohibited and it puts individuals in circumstances where they are exposed to harder drugs, therefore if the FDA had regulations on marijuana, those individuals would never have to be exposed to those situations. In regards to the effects of marijuana, like a low sex drive, just like every medication whether it is over the counter or prescribed, there will be side effects which will affect everyone differently. Marijuana has the ability to alleviate aliments such as nausea, and other types of pain. Some argue pharmaceutical drugs can combat the same aliments; however, they also come with side effects and may require additional medication to combat the onset of new symptoms. Taxation of marijuana alone would help the economy. The fact the U. S. is wasting 7. 7 billion dollars enforcing the prohibition of the substance is persuasive enough in its self, as well as the potential revenue brought in by taxing the substance like tobacco or alcohol. Keeping marijuana illegal is only keeping drug dealers in business. While law enforcement continues to chase these petty drug dealers it is costing our taxpayers millions of dollars to put and keep drug dealers behind bars. The legalizing of marijuana would benefit the economy greatly, therefor marijuana should be legalized. The use of Marijuana and Cultural difference between Japan and The United States The history of Cannabis in the country of Japan can be traced back to 300 – 500 BC. Cannabis was a widely used plant for the majority of Japanese culture and daily lives. Cannabis fibers were used to not only create baskets and fishing tools, but were also used in creating divine clothing for the Emperor’s. Burning of cannabis was also used for old traditions, for example rooms of worship were purified by burning cannabis leave by the entrance. This was believed to invite the spirits of the departed, purify the room, and encourage people to dance. Japan’s cultivation of Cannabis came to a halt at the end of World War II when allied forces occupied and began to help rebuild Japan. It was America General Douglas MacArthur and his colleagues who re-wrote the Japanese constitution in 1948 and mirrored many of the United States laws. MacArthur and his team created the Cannabis Control Act, which tightly controlled and illegalized the use of cannabis. Due to the extreme cultivating of cannabis and its widely uses in daily lives, Western companies found a market with providing synthetic products to replace cannabis. Today, cannabis is a drug guarded and considered taboo among the Japanese culture. The use and history of cannabis is all but forgotten within today’s Japanese society, and when it is discovered people have, or are using it recreationally, they are shunned and casted as â€Å"stone-cold drug addicts†(Uno, 2011). Many Japanese people consider marijuana and other ‘hard drugs’ to be the exact same and believe all drugs have the same effect. This ideal thinking of marijuana has lead Japan to be one of the strictest laws and punishments compared to other developed countries. In 1993 a Disc Jockey from New York, Christopher Lavinger, was arrested and was sentenced to 16 months in prison and 35 days in solitary confinement after Japanese police found 1. 5 grams of marijuana, 3. 5 grams of cocaine, and some LSD (Hays, 2009). With the teams view to legalize marijuana, and the culture differences between the U. S. nd Japan, the first step to move towards a ‘Pro-Marijuana’ Japanese country would be to educate the people on the benefits cannabis can provide. As described above, the financial profit gained would be tremendous and can go back to the people in various ways. The people would also need education on their history of using cannabis within their ancient traditions and target many high-profile figures to support the use of marijuana. Because of the strict laws and taboo views Japan has of cannabis, it would be a hard road, but the understanding and education used properly, Japan could create legislation that would override, or amend their constitution and current laws banning its use. References American Medical Association (AMA). (1995-2013). Retrieved from http://www. ama-assn. rg/ American Psychiatric Association, (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (4th ed. ). American Psychological Association (APA). (2013). Retrieved from http://www. apa. org/topics/addiction/index. aspx Argument: Marijuana is not addictive. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 24, 2013, from http://dbp. idebate. org/en /index. php/Argument:_Marijuana_is_not_addictive Bonnie, R. , Whitbread, C. (n. d). The Forbidden Fruit and the Tree of Knowledge: An Inquiry into the Legal History of Historian of American Marijuana Prohibition. Schaffer Library of Drug Policy. Retrieved from http://www. druglibrary. org/schaffer/Library/studies/vlr/vlr3. htm Castleman, Michael. Marijuana’s Effects on Sex Vary with Individuals. †Marijuana. Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Marijuana and Sex: Surprising Results of This Blogger’s Informal Survey. †Psychology Today (1 May 2011). Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 8 Mar. 2013. Ellgren, Maria. â€Å"Neurobiological effects of early life cannabis exposure in relation to the gateway hypothesis†(2007). Retrieved from http://publications. ki. se/xmlui/handle/10616/38245? locale-attribute=en Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2006). Retrieved from http://www. fda. gov/NewsEvents /Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/2006/ucm108643. htm Hays, J. (2009). Marijuana, Legal Highs and Illegal drugs in Japan. Retrieved from http://factsanddetails. com/japan. php? itemid=664 Kraus, Mark L. â€Å"Legalizing Medical Marijuana Is Not a Good Idea. †Medical Marijuana. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Current Controversies. Rpt. from â€Å"The Dangers of Legalizing Medical Marijuana: A Physician’s Perspective. †2007. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Mar. 2013. Marijuana use rising in U. S. , national survey shows. (2011). Retrieved March 24, 2013, from http://www. reuters. com/article/2011/09/08/usa-drugs-idUSN1E7870N520110908 Olson, D. (1998). Hempen cultrue in Japan. Retrieved from http://www. cannabisculture. om/articles/101. html/ Stirring the Pot: Could Legalizing Marijuana Save the Economy?. (2013). Retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/sites/kellyphillipserb/2012/04/20/stirring-the-pot-could-legalizing-marijuana-save-the-economy/ The first report of the National Commission on marihuana (1972 ): signal of misunderstanding or exercise in ambiguity. (1974). Retrieved from http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC1749335/ The White House President Barak Obama. (2013). Retrieved from http://m. whitehouse. gov/ondcp/marijuana Uno, M. (2011). WEED CRISIS: Enter Japan’s Void. Retrieved from http://www. thestarklife. com/2011/06/17/weed-in-japan/
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Experiences and Benefits of Profound Experiential Education Essay
Experiences and Benefits of Profound Experiential Education - Essay Example The paper tells that when personal well-being is on the line people tend to lay differences aside to cooperate. At the accomplishment of a particular task, some would revert to introverted behavior while others would revel in the victory. Nevertheless, the threat of discomfort as caused by natural consequences is one good motivator to help people who are not such team players get into the habit of becoming an integral part of a group effort. We learned how to communicate effectively. Again, the impetus for the preservation or accusation of creature comforts often motives people who are not so inclined toward effective communication to delve past their own insufficiencies in language and non-verbal behavior. Those who are given to meaningless small talk in daily society find that perpetual commentary on their own thought patterns is radically unnecessary. Those who are given to silence find that in order to negotiate the path of least resistance toward a goal they must speak up from t ime to time. This is the nature of nature. It tends to bring about certain survival behaviors while quelling those that are not so helpful to individual survival. We learned to respect each other's individuality. We differed in origins. We differed in personalities. We differed physically. We differed in knowledge. We differed in skills.
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