Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Scholarly Critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Insightful Critique - Assignment Example In this manner, the examination contributes significant proof that can be utilized in the nursing practice. This is on the grounds that it gives the social insurance establishments the information on understanding that the attendants need a break from their work similarly as different representatives in different territories of work (Garrett, 2008). Also, the examination has given the administration some understanding where they should build the patient to nurture proportion in all human services establishment to decrease nurture disappointment and burnout. The analyst demonstrates the ramifications of the investigation for the clinical practice. In that, the analyst demonstrates that medical attendant wear out puts the patients in danger on the grounds that the medical caretakers don't have the ability to treat the patients appropriately as they are worn out. The suggestions are sensible and complete on the grounds that they have plainly expounded the reasons for nurture disappointment and wear out. As in, there is insufficiency of medical attendants in the United States, where the legislature has been given the commitment to guarantee that all emergency clinics have enough medical attendants to diminish the remaining task at hand of the current medical caretakers, which will thusly decrease work disappointment and attendant
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Namesake Theme of Family Essays
The Namesake Theme of Family Essays The Namesake Theme of Family Paper The Namesake Theme of Family Paper Paper Topic: The Namesake The Shake and Sashimi relationship with their folks was joined to Indian culture. Guardians are who choose the by picking who they wed this was a choice it decided their destiny and character as guardians. At the point when Googol is a little kid the relationship with his folks is totally typical. Throughout the years the relationship turns into more confounded. Googol resembles any kid his age difficult stubborn and defiant. This conduct is bizarre to Shake on the grounds that in their way of life the conduct of youngsters as Googol was unique. Shake attempts to instruct his child as he was taught yet certainly our strategy doesn't work. Sanctuary composed. That night during supper, he carried it up with his folks. It was one thing for Googol to be the name written in calligraphy on his secondary school confirmation, and printed beneath his image in the yearbook, hed started. It was a certain something, even, for it to be composed on his applications to five Ivy League schools, just as to Stanford and Berkeley. In any case, engraved, quite a while from now, on a four year certification in liberal arts degree? Composed at the highest point of a rsum? Fixated on a business card? It would be the name his folks selected for him, he guaranteed them, the great name theyd picked for him when he was five. (99) Googol needs to change his name. His dad is baffled however chooses to let him do what he needs to. Sashimi and Shake put stock one might say of family freedom. In any case, this thought of freedom Sashimi and Shake had about his family not been applied to their about youngsters and start to encounter what their folks felt years prior. Them have opposite emotions about this family autonomy. Whats done will be done, his dad had said. it will be a problem. Googol has, basically, become your great name. Its also confuse owe, his mom stated, concurring. Youre excessively Old. Im not, he endured. Dont get it. For what reason did you need to give me a pet name in any case? Divider the point? Its our way, Googol, his mom kept up. Its what Bengal do. Be that as it may, its not so much as a Bengali name. He mentioned to his folks what hed realized in Mr.. Tidal ponds class, about Googol! Deep rooted despondency, his psychological shakiness, about how hed starved himself demise. Did you know so much stuff about him? he inquired. You neglected to make reference to that he was likewise a virtuoso, his dad said. l dont get it. How bed you folks name me after somebody so unusual? Nobody pays attention to me, Googol said. Who? Who doesn't pay attention to you? his dad needed and so on know, lifting his fingers from his plate, gazing toward him. At that point change it, father said basically, unobtrusively, sooner or later. Truly? in America the sky is the limit. Do as you wish. (99-100) The connection among Shake and Googol resembled the normal social between an intense dad and a bashful child. Guardians who need to raise their chi dependent on their own background. Possibly his intension was to instruct Go exercise. Be that as it may, Googol had a blend of societies to deal with. These decide the connection between they. At the point when Googol chooses acquaint Maxine with his family. The Story takes a determinate change. Shake recounts to the Story of his mishap years back. The explanation that he chose to put the name Googol. l need to reveal to you something, his dad says when the piece closes, when tm have turned onto Phenomenon Road. What? Googol inquires. Its about your name. Googol sees his dad, perplexed. My name? His dad stop the radio. Googol. Nowadays he is considered Googol so occasional that the sound of it do not up anymore: him as it used to. Following three years of being Nikkei most by far of the emulate, he does wouldn't fret anymore. There is an explanation behind it, you know, his dad proceeds. Right, ABA. Gogols your preferred creator. I know. No, his dad says. He maneuvers into the garage and switches off the motor then the headlights. He fixes his safety belt, managing it with his hand as it withdraws, back behind his left shoulder. Another explanation. (122-123) Googol questi on if Shake recollect that horrible day with his name. Money answered something delightful I remember everything that followed that c Every day after the mishap were a blessing Googol doesn't comprehend the message of his dad years after the fact would. Why dont I know this about y Googol says. His voice sounds cruel, blaming however his eyes well with tears. Why havent you disclosed to me this as of recently? It never felt like the perfect time, his dad says. In any case, its like youve deceived me every one of these years. When his dad doesnt react, he includes, Thats why you have that limp, isnt it? It happened such a long time ago. I didnt need to agitate you. It doesnt matter. You ought to have let me know. Maybe, his dad yields, looking quickly in Gogols course. He expels the keys from the start. Come, you should be eager. The vehicle is rising virus. Yet, Googol doesnt move. He stays there, as yet attempting to ingest the data, feeling clumsy, strangely embarrassed, to blame. Im sorry, ABA. (123-124) The passing of a parent to youngster is a troublesome encounter. Googol encounters a torrential slide of feelings. Lament for the most part on the grounds that the relationship with his confidence was not generally the best. His glasses are missing Googol says, gazing toward Mr.. Davenport. Mr.. Davenport doesn't answer. Following a couple of moments he says, Mr.. Gauguin, would you say you are ready to decidedly distinguish the body? Is this your dad? Truly, that is him, (172) Googol starts to encounter sentiments of blame after the demise of his dad. He faces the demise of his dad in an insightful manner. Starts to consider that could have been increasingly tolerant with his dad since he generally acted eager with him. This happens when he can comprehend the story his dad had informed him regarding his name. The day his dad had enlightened him concerning the mishap. The genuine explanation his name was Googol can't be a lovely name however the way that Shake recollect each brilliant sign after resurrection past that mishap make happen that Googol was an excellent name. Googol is developing after some time. What's more, he understands putting on the shoes of their folks that coming to America was an extreme choice. Be that as it may, his folks had the fearlessness to come alone and be away from his family. What's more, he accepts that couldn't remain as distant from his family. This is a significant second in the life of Googol. At last see all the exertion frantic for his folks. Just to give preferred life over they had. There he understands that hey fathers lessons about the relationship with their folks were not unintentional. He finds that his dad had felt a similar way years prior with the passing of his grandparents in Calcutta. The connection among Googol and Sashimi is more profound after Shake bites the dust. Googol tells his mom of his impending detachment of Museums. His felling of opportunity and the reconnection that he felt with his dad after locate that renowned book he had given and reed in first page. Refuge composed And then another book, never read, since quite a while ago overlooked, grabs his attention. The coat is feeling the loss of, the title on the spine basically blurred. Its a thick clothbound volume beat with decades-old residue. The ivory pages are overwhelming, somewhat harsh, luxurious to the touch. The spine splits faintly when he opens it to the cover sheet. The Short Stories of Nikolas Googol. For Googol Gauguin, it says on the front endpapers in his dads serene hand, in red ballpoint ink, the letters rising slowly, hopefully, on the slanting toward the upper right-hand corner of the page. The man who gave you his name, from the man who gave you your name is composed inside quotes. (288) The connection among guardians and youngsters isn't generally the most straightforward thing to deal with. However, this novel gives us an unmistakable model that the aims of guardians to instruct are consistently the best. Guardians, similar to the Gauguin consistently attempt to strive us the best.
OFDM Simulation In Matlab Computer Science Essay Free Essays
string(127) the base maps IFFT are N unessential sinusoids, at the end of the day IFFT is communicated as the heavy measure of incidental sinusoids. Theoretical This endeavor includes the reproduction and overview of a basic Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) framework as an utilization of Digital Signal Processing. The nation of point of convergence is the sign handling square of the framework which uses Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) motors to achieve oppositeness of channels and in this way better the transmittal channel use. The framework is reproduced using MATLAB and it includes transmittal of a digitized sound document through a straight white Gaussian commotion ( AWGN ) channel using OFDM method thus recovering the record at the accepting framework. We will compose a custom article test on OFDM Simulation In Matlab Computer Science Essay or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now By associating the first and the recuperated document the effectivity of this procedure is tried. The entire framework acknowledgment comprises of various stairss †starting preparing, channel, accepting framework handling, examination. Watchwords OFDM ; AWGN ; FFT ; IFFT ; BPSK ; Orthogonality ; Crosscorrelation I. Presentation Symmetrical frequence division multiplexing ( OFDM ) is a frequence division multiplexing system in which the frequence partition between next carrier channels is limited by the use of the build of oppositeness. It is one of the numerous course procedures broadly utilized in radio and powerline interchanges. OFDM can flexibly large informations rates with adequate strength against transmittal channel harms. The OFDM technique permits a few superfluous, thin band sub-channels or subcarriers to cover in frequence circle and to be transmitted in equal along these lines spliting the accessible transmittal data transfer capacity quickly. The information informations is partitioned into a few equal informations waterways or channels, one for each subcarrier. Each sub-transporter is balanced with a customary advanced change methodology (, for example, M-ary stage removal distinguishing or Quadrature adequacy progress ) at a low image rate in order to keep the whole data rate like traditiona l single-bearer progress techniques using a similar transmission capacity. The oppositeness is accomplished using the quick Fourier change ( FFT ) calculation on the collector side, and converse FFT on the sender side as it takes into consideration proficient modulator and finder execution. A general OFDM framework outline is appeared in Fig. 1. At the sender, the balanced data signal ten [ n ] is principal changed to frequence circle through IFFT. At that point the sign is transmitted to the completion in the radio channel. At the getting framework, FFT is premier applied to the standard sign, so the transmitted data image is assessed with some unscrambling calculation. The preparing at each square with the help of MATLAB is depicted quickly as follows: A.Source Processing Toward the start, the sound record is first perused using MATLAB as a vector music and changed over into a paired data conduit. Parallel stage relocation keying ( BPSK ) is utilized as the change system. In BPSK, every twofold informations 1 is mapped to a data image of 1, while 0 is mapped to a?’1. With BPSK progress, we can get the data vector. At that point a 512-point IFFT is performed on that vector to deliver the vector Texas for transmittal. Zero-cushioning is utilized if the data is non a different of 512. B. Channel The channel is basic AWGN, which implies that there is no channel constriction and the clamor is Gaussian conveyed with zero mean and error I?2. For an arbitrary clamor, the standard sign is transmitted sign ( Texas ) +noise. C. Collector Processing At the accepting framework, FFT is performed on the got informations acquire the loud informations for decoding. Straightforward piece astute maximal likeliness ( ML ) decoding is received. Subsequently, for each got boisterous data spot, if the worth is bigger than 0, it is decoded as 1, in any case, 0. D. Framework Analysis The got informations will the contrasted and the transmitted informations using crosscorrelation to break down the distinction. The execution will be rehashed for various estimations of commotion disparities. In the regions that tail we talk about in an a little bit at a time way how we can execute such a framework by sing all the essential assets. In region II, the advancement of the full framework is depicted alongside pertinent hypothetical foundation. Segment III shows how the framework can be reproduced using MATLAB devices. Area IV contains the results of reproduction and investigation of the framework. Area V finishes up the paper by providing a theoretical of the work done. II. framework hypothetical record The framework is reenacted using MATLAB. The stream outline of the framework tasks is appeared in Fig. 2. Fig. 2 OFDM framework hypothetical record [ 8 ] A. Transmitter The sender development incorporates perusing the sound document, change overing it into a twofold waterway, utilization BPSK to tweak this conduit thus execute N-point IFFT on the regulated informations to change over the data waterway into N incidental OFDM channels. In BPSK, every paired informations 1 is mapped to a data image of 1, while 0 is mapped to a?’1. Along these lines we get a back to back conduit of BPSK balanced informations. The conduit is partitioned into N simple informations which frames the balance of an OFDM image. 1. FFT-IFFT Algoritms and Orthogonality An OFDM framework treats the information BPSK regulated images at the sender as if they are in the recurrence area. These images are changed over into equal and are utilized as the contributions to an IFFT obstruct that changes over the sign into the clasp circle. The IFFT takes in N images at a clasp where N is the figure of subcarriers/diverts in the framework. By meaning of Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform ( DFT ) : x_n = frac { 1 } { N } sum_ { k=0 } ^ { N-1 } X_k e^ { frac { 2pi I } { N } K n } quad n = 0, dabs, N-1. The signs eië†?i?â °ikn/N are superfluous over ( 0, N ) where Xk is the info image. DFT is the Fourier Transform of particular clasp signal taken at unmistakable flicker of an eyes 2i?â °k/N. FFT/IFFT is a computationally effective adaptation of DFT/IDFT. For case, for N point DFT the computational multifaceted nature is N2 though for radix-2 FFT the 1 clasp figuring is separated into log2N degrees and every degree need N estimations subsequently the intricacy is decreased to Nlog2N degrees. In this way cut bringing down the estimation cut in example of FFT. In this manner from above definition the base maps IFFT are N superfluous sinusoids, at the end of the day IFFT is communicated as the heavy measure of incidental sinusoids. You read OFDM Simulation In Matlab Computer Science Essay in classification Article models These sinusoids have an alternate frequence superfluous to one another in frequence circle. Each info image Acts of the Apostless like an intricate/genuine load fo r the comparing sinusoidal term. Info images will be unpredictable if M-ary PSK is utilized where M gt ; 2. In such example the estimation of the image decides both the sufficiency and phase of the sinusoid for that subcarrier. Nonetheless, since BPSK is utilized the loads are existent. The IFFT final result is the summarizing of the N weighted sinusoids. In this manner, IFFT gives a straightforward way to adjust informations onto N unessential firmly isolated subcarriers. The square of N finished result tests from the IFFT make up an individual OFDM image. hypertext move convention:/www.wirelesscommunication.nl/reference/chaptr05/ofdm/pictures/fig4.gif ( a ) ( B ) Fig 3: OFDM range ( a ) Single channel ( B ) 5 subcarriers [ 6 ] The signs e2i?â °kn/N are unessential over ( 0, N ) as sum_ { n=0 } ^ { N-1 } left ( e^ { frac { 2pi I } { N } kn } ight ) left ( e^ { - frac { 2pi I } { N } k’n } ight ) =N~delta_ { kk ‘ } This oppositeness due to FFT among next channels suggests firmly separated bearers. They can be dispersed in such a way such, that the nothing ( zero adequacy reaction ) of one channel will occur at the extremum of the following conveyor as appeared in Fig. 3. Along these lines just 50% of the accessible transmittal transfer speed will be used correlation with standard FDM, bettering the channel use by 50 for each centum. The unmistakable time-space signal that outcomes from the IFFT is transmitted over the channel. Real transmittals include progress of IFFT receptacles into baseband equal bearers before transmittal over the channel. Be that as it may, for straightforwardness of examination we transmit the advanced baseband signal itself as N subcarriers in a multipath free condition. Symmetry of the subcarriers due to IFFT permits the frequence dispersing between each next subcarrier to be insignificant. B. Channel The channel is thought to be basic AWGN, which implies that there is no channel constriction and the commotion is Gaussian disseminated with zero mean and inconsistency I? . The familial continuous waterway of IFFT containers is added to the arbitrary AWGN commotion produced using MATLAB to authorize the impacts of channel. C. Collector At the getting framework, a N point FFT square is utilized to treat the standard flag and pass on it once more into the frequence circle. By meaning of Discrete Fourier Transform ( DFT ) : Because of grounds referenced previously FFT is the utilized in topographic purpose of DFT. The N point FFT final result will be the first images that were sent to the IFFT obstruct at the sender. The finished result of the FFT square is skilled to most extreme probability detecting to pull out the twofold data from the commotion invaded images. After recuperation of double informations, it is changed over to its equal equivalent in this manner remembering the first solid document. III. matlab recreation A. Transmitter 1.Input sound document handling The examples of the sound document t
Friday, August 21, 2020
Applying change theories on the implementation of an ambulance despatch system
Applying change speculations on the usage of an emergency vehicle despatch framework 1. Presentation Change is inescapable and to upgrade the proficiency of the administrations that an organization offers, change is fundamental. The world is evolving ordinary. This is credited to the progression in innovation, globalization notwithstanding numerous different variables. There is a motivating force for all business and financial foundation to change so as to profit by the progression in data innovation. This is one of the elements that propelled the Metropolitan Ambulance Service (MAS) in Melbourne to actualize a best in class crisis despatch and correspondence framework in 1994. In the late 1980s, the MAS got analysis dependent on poor rescue vehicle reaction times(Darren,2004).In a normal day, MAS ambulances goes to in excess of 600 health related crises and are likewise engaged with shipping around 400 patients(Darren, 2004). Subsequently, the choice to improve past framework because of defers is satisfactory and important to give an opportune, proper, and proficient reaction to al l calls for crisis help (Darren, 2004). Be that as it may, the basic choice to execute this framework and the procedures used to actualize this data framework influenced the proficiency to convey wanted administrations. The new CEO, John Farmer, expected to change the manner in which the MAS worked through the usage of PC innovation in two zones: the board of crisis calls and the board of accounts (Darren, 2004). This choice related to governmental issues and different procedures were the impetus for the inability to actualize change in the MAS. This paper is set to dissect the contextual analysis composed by Prof Darren Dalcher in 2004 (Emergency: Implementing an Ambulance Despatch System).The contextual analysis features the narrative of the tricky usage of an automated despatch framework for the Metropolitan Ambulance Service (MAS) in Melbourne, Australia(Darren, 2004). The point of this paper to examine how data framework execution draws near, obstruction speculations and change hypotheses, for example, Lewins Three St ep Change Theory, Lippits periods of progress Theory and the Social Cognitive Theory can be applied to the contextual investigation to achieve important changes. 2.LITERATURE REVIEW The writing survey is partitioned into 3 areas. The main segment clarifies the four methodologies intended for actualizing I.T frameworks. The subsequent segment clarifies opposition speculations. The third area clarifies change hypotheses. 2.1 There are four methodologies accessible for executing an I.T data framework. These methodologies incorporate 2.1.1 Plunge approach: The dive approach implies executing a framework in a dire manner, by completion the past framework at a specific day and beginning the new framework the following day. This methodology limits change cost and activity cost. Be that as it may, the dive approach is hazardous and could undoubtedly prompt framework disappointment. (Efraim Linda, 2010, p 533) 2.1.2 Parallel methodology: The equal methodology implies working the old and the new framework simultaneously. Despite the fact that the equal methodology is expensive to work, it is advantageous over the long haul since serious issues about the new framework would have been recognized and settled. In the event that the new framework fizzles, the old framework goes about as a reinforcement for accomplishing the corporate objective. (Efraim Linda, 2010, p 533) 2.1.3 Pilot approach: The pilot framework implies working the new framework in another geological zone or a particular part of the association in study. Leading the pilot study to analyze the effect of progress will stay away from concealed complexities (Anderson,1985). 2.1.4 The staged methodology: The staged methodology is relevant to both equal and plunge approach. It centers around executing each module or adaptation of the framework as it is evolved and tried. Efraim Linda, 2010, p 533).The expense of use fluctuates with the strategy. (Efraim Linda, 2010, p 533) 2.2 Resistance hypotheses: 2.2.1 The individuals situated hypothesis: The individuals situated hypothesis recommends that protection from frameworks is made by factors inside to clients as people or gatherings.( James, Waleed, and Gary (1999)). Gardner, Dukes and Discenza (1993) underpins the thought that specific qualities (e.g., age, sex) just as differing foundation, worth and conviction frameworks add to a people disposition towards innovation. 2.2.2 The framework arranged hypothesis The framework arranged hypothesis places that opposition is prompted remotely by factors inalienable in the structure of the framework or the innovation being utilized (James, Waleed, and Gary (1999).Such variables incorporate UI and different frameworks qualities (e.g., acknowledgment of necessities, execution, unwavering quality, and the level of centralization, conveyance, or decentralization)( James, Waleed, and Gary (1999). 2.2.3 The Interaction situated hypothesis: The cooperation hypothesis clarifies that frameworks procure diverse political and social significance in various settings and that various clients see the impacts of a similar framework distinctively ( James, Waleed, and Gary ,1999). Obstruction may, for instance, show itself because of moving force connections (James, Waleed, and Gary ,1999). 2.3The change hypotheses 2.3.1 Kurt Lewins arranged change: The Lewins arranged change hypothesis contends that arranged change happens by structure where every single procedure is arranged. This is instead of unconstrained change or change coincidentally. Business as usual is disturbed and results into some awkwardness of powers. The two powers that are for the most part present are the main thrust and the limiting power. The main thrust goes about as a spark moving towards a positive bearing or an objective that has been set. The limiting power restricts the development towards an ordained objective. At the point when the restricting powers are survived, another harmony position is reached (Bessie, 2003: p.167). The three stages that are recognized include: unfreezing the state of affairs, accomplishing another state (moving) and refreezing to roll out the improvement lasting. The initial steps are advising partners regarding the necessary change and concede to the significance of the change. As per Miller (1982) one of the most troublesome undertakings is getting individuals to acknowledge a change. Change is testing and the partners or clients may feel as though they have lost control of everything except for it is imperative to empower them. The people will at that point set aside some effort to execute the genuine change. This may take at some point yet the procedure ought to be slow. Freezing makes the procedure to balance out and the procedure would now be able to be actualized into the framework. 2.3.2 Lippits Phases of Change Theory In Lippits Phases of Change Theory, an augmentation of the Lewins Change Theory is finished. Seven stages are built up that emphasis more on the change specialist than on the change itself. This includes trade of data all through the procedure. The change starts by an analysis of the issue and afterward checking the inspiration that the change will bring and the limit of the change to have any kind of effect from the present circumstance. The change specialist ought to likewise be inspected in order to choose if the fundamental limit that is required is accessible (Alicia, 2004: p.1). The systems that will be utilized to achieve the change are picked and every specialist of progress is appointed and cautioned of the progressions that are normal from his part. Specialists and facilitators might be required at this stage and might be a piece of the change operators. The organization actualizing the change ought to guarantee that the change is kept up. This can be accomplished by produc tive correspondence, coordination and input on each action that happens. At the point when the change has been actualized and the representatives have embraced the new culture, the change operator would now be able to pull back from the procedure. 2.3.3 Social psychological hypothesis: As per the social intellectual hypothesis, people can change their practices relying upon the natural factors that encompass them, the individual components of the people and the characteristics of the conduct itself. The people must accept that they have the ability to play out the new conduct and they should likewise observe the significance of embracing the new conduct. In the event that the people see the outcomes of the conduct to be certain, they will embrace the new conduct and the other way around. This implies social learning will happen where the people can see the inspirational desires to exceed the pessimistic desires (Alicia, 2004: p.1). In the event that the people can imagine the constructive advantages and see the significance of the change, they are probably going to be inspired and to have more resolve to do the adjustments in the conduct. Self-viability is the most significant angle in this procedure and can be expanded by: giving clear guidelines that will permit the change to be accomplished, giving appropriate preparing that will empower the people to build up the aptitudes required for the change to be accomplished and attempting to demonstrate the ideal conduct. 3. Investigation of the Case Study The MAS was set up toward the finish of the nineteenth century. The point was to offer crisis clinical vehicle particularly in moving patients in basic conditions to emergency clinics as quick as could reasonably be expected. They offer emergency treatment administrations to people that require the medical aid benefits as they move them to places where they can be taken care of. They give medical aid instruction to the general population for nothing and moreover, they give extraordinary offices that can be utilized by people who require these uncommon vehicle benefits so as to get to the emergency clinic. In the late 1980s, MAS experienced exceptional analysis with the press examining significant occasions where the companys reaction to calls was extremely poor. The private division had likewise attempted to turn out to be exceptionally dynamic and had begun effectively contending with the MAS. The monetary status of the MAS had likewise been exceptionally poor. The administration was recording misfortunes consistently.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Are you going to finish strong
Are you going to finish strong Nick Vujicic has no arms or legs but has come to terms with his lot in life and he delivers this very inspirational speech.Full Name: Nicholas James Vujicic Born: 4 December 1982 in Melbourne, Australia Status: MarriedVideo length: 2.37 minutes Video can not load. Your browser does not support the video tag.Nick is limbless, missing both arms at shoulder level, as well as legs. Where legs are located, he has a small foot with two toes.Being bullied at school for his limbless disability, Vujicic grew depressed and by the age of eight, contemplated suicide. At age ten he tried to drown himself in his bathtub, but did not go through with it out of love for his parents.After praying to grow arms and legs and initially complaining to God that if he did not reply to his prayers he would not praise him indefinitely; Vujicic eventually realised that his accomplishments could inspire others and became grateful for his life.He began to master the daily tasks of life. He learned to write using the two toes on his left foot with a special grip that slid onto his big toe. He learned to use a computer and type using the heel and toe method. He learned to throw tennis balls, play drum pedals, get a glass of water, comb his hair, brush his teeth, answer the phone and shave.Vujicic graduated from Griffith University at the age of 21 with a double major in accountancy and financial planning. Subsequently he became a motivational speaker, travelling internationally and focusing on teen issues. Having addressed over three million people in over 24 countries on five continents, he speaks to corporate audiences, congregations and schools.Nick currently lives in Los Angeles, California, United States. On 12 February 2012, he married his fiancee, Kanae Miyahara. In August 2012 it was revealed that they are expecting their first child. Last updated: September 03, 2013
Monday, June 29, 2020
Explain the symbols and metaphors of AP by John Updike - 825 Words
Explain the symbols and metaphors of AP by John Updike (Essay Sample) Content: Name Tutor Course Date Explain the symbols and metaphors of the story "A&P" by John Updike The story "A&P" by John Updike uses metaphors and symbols to communicate the message. The story is about three Bikini girls who walk into Sammy supermarket. The girls attract the gaze of every man in the store. Sammy doubts the girls for regular customers. The story uses symbolism in many ways (Updike 765). First, the story symbolizes the misunderstanding of the older generation about the youth. Also, the negativity about the young generation. It is evident that Sammy eyes the three bikini-clad girls walking into his supermarket. Despite being the manager, he looks them suspiciously. The look interrupts his reverie by "witch" whose "feathers" Sammy has to charm (Updike 760). The Sammy misconception is that customers are easy to understand. Furthermore, Sammy thinks that the women are witch making their day trip to him â€Å"I know it made her day to trip me up.†(Johnson 656). Furthermore, they view the youth as a threat to their power. The girls know that they are in a position of power so long as they do not acknowledge the men’s interest. The Lengel feels the threat and devises a strategy to lessen their power. Lengel confronts the girls bluntly. He quickly says that they know the motive of their inappropriate attire. The Queenie’s claims that â€Å"We are decent†(Updike 770). The Queenie’s response is an attempt to reestablish their power and show that Lengel did wrong to confront them. The Lengel symbolizes that the adults that have less concern for the youthful ambition (Fleischauer 277). Secondly, the Kingfish Fancy Herring Snacks that Queenie buys is symbolic in Sammy’s eyes about social class. Sammy heard her explain that they are for her mother. From his experience, they are to be served at parties of higher social class, the world away from him. Additionally, the shopping list had a combination of white jackets, sophisticated cocktails, Schlitz beer (a working-class brew), and novelty glasses humbles Sammy superiority status. His perspective was that â€Å"the crowd that runs the A&P must look pretty crummy (Updike 770).†Sammy feels being in social constraints and quits his job. The act is an attempt to impress Queenie and sign of self-liberation. It is clear that Queenie behavior symbolizes the alluring nature of women and life. Despite being a pleasant life, it is unattainable to Sammy. Thirdly, the clothes that the girls wear in the story symbolizes the youth casual disregard to the social rules of the town. It is an intention to provoke and attract every man in the town. The Sammy is drawn to the girls due to their scant attire and being young. However, he conceptualizes the freedom and escapes from the alluring world. The girls completely disrupt a well-known system of rules of moral conduct. It is evident that Lengel, who is the authority figure, underscores the atti re and he quickly confronts them. His motive is to show them that they have broken rules of behavior (Fleischauer 277). Lastly, the supermarket symbolizes the consumer culture. The culture has a different hierarchy: "Witches" by bland "HiHo" crackers while Queenie buys "Fancy Herring Snacks" (Updike 769). The girls stocks their shopping with sophisticated cocktails, Schlitz beer, and novelty glasses. The shopping list is symbolic of youth consumption preference. It also indicates consumption patterns among people of different social status. The girls seem to come from a high social class background. The clothing attires are also expensive (Johnson 657). Additionally, the story uses metaphors. First, the girls â€Å"attracts the gaze†(Updike 760) of all men in the supermarket. It is a demonstration of the power of attraction to opposite sex. They make a point of â€Å"acting nonchalant†(Updike 763). Nonchalant is the notion of being successful than the other two. Th e girls are in an inspiring desire to power. The girl’s strategy works well. It is evident that even Lengel, the elder, shown his sexual interest (Fleischauer 277). Secon...
Friday, May 22, 2020
Contemporary Social Theory Essay - 595 Words
Two major approaches to contemporary social theory are the Marxian materialist approach and the structural functionalist approach. The materialist approach was developed from the work of Karl Marx, who believed that the economic order shapes society. The functionalist approach was developed from the work of Comte and Durkheim, stating that is the combination of all of society’s institutions that shapes society. An organic analogy is most often used to explain structural functionalism. The analogy represents society with the human body and social structures and institutions are represented by the body’s organs. For a human being to survive, the body must perform certain functions to solve problems and meet needs. For example, we must†¦show more content†¦The manner in which we satisfy our needs is referred to as our modes of production. The modes of production include the tools people use, the technologies society has created, and the acquired skills and knowledge, all in relation to material production. The organization and social relations in material production forms an economic order and that economic order shapes society. All aspects of society is influenced by the economic institutions. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; There are numerous differences between the preceding approaches. A major difference is in viewing the foundations of society. Materialists believe it is the economic order that shapes society; functionalists believe it is all of the interrelated components in society that shapes the whole. Another difference is how they explain social conflict. Materialists see social conflict as the result of conflict between social classes in the economic order. For example, rich executives (ruling class because they control the economy) cut jobs, creating unemployment in the subordinate class. Conflict in the functionalist view, however, stems from differences in values, norms, etc., such as racism and sexism. Another difference is in the allocation of power. Functionalists believe power is held by the people who hold the traits associated with power, and who hold common values. Those in power serve to meet the entire society’s wants and needs. MaterialistsShow MoreRelatedContemporary Socia l Theory And Functionalist Approach1457 Words  | 6 Pagespreference over other in contemporary social theory these themes consist of relationship between society and self, nature of social life, possibility, and role of social transformation, structure of social institutions and themes such as class, gender, and race. Contemporary social theory is given importance due to the fact that helps in evaluating the societal features easily. 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The basic concept of the exchange theory is that it emphasizes the cost between the interactions of people and their social environment. Exchange theory attempts to explain human behavior under the contentRead MoreEssay about The Sources of Self-Control1178 Words  | 5 PagesThe nature of self-control theories, and a possible explanation of what draws individuals to commit crime, stems from research conducted by Michael Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi in 1990. Initially, Hirschi’s early research sugg ested that sustainment of self-control was a result of family bonds, academics, work, and/or religious and personal reasons. Hirschi had concluded that â€Å"the major ‘cause’ of low self-control thus appears to be ineffective child-rearing†(Lilly et al., p. 97) However, by 1990
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Evan Breyer, The Founder And The Former Ceo Of Growing Places
Background Information History Evan Breyer, who was the founder and the former CEO of Growing Places, failed to make profitable growth that the company had to struggle to break even. Evan had spent too much time on the gripe sessions, which was a platform for employees to voice their gripes, in lieu of working out plans. Also, Evan did not have innovative ideas so there was not an impressive growth of the company. To rescue it from the edge of closure, Evan hired Rob Miranda, who had worked as the president of a small insurance company for ten years, to be the new CEO of Growing Places. Development Rob had a different perspective on the challenges the company was facing and he had innovative ideas to revitalize the company’s financial performances. His strategy was to refocus the company’s objectives and set new goals for the employees. Under the leadership of Rob, together with the reforming of the company, Growing Places had expanded from six freestanding, garden-variety facilities in Ohio to around 60 of on-site facilities at companies and universities in five states. Rob’s creative ideas, such as the lactation rooms, helped the company pass through its hard times. Growth The board of Growing Places wanted to set up a scholarship program for children from families which demonstrated financial needs. The company was finding corporate sponsor to help pay for the scholarships and extend the program to the other centers. Thrivand, one of the possible sponsoringShow MoreRelatedCoffee and Crisis Management Team21317 Words  | 86 Pagescoffees for millions of customers worldwide since its 1971 founding in Seattle s Pike Place Market in the state of Washington. Still headquartered in Seattle, Starbucks Coffee Company has expanded to stores in all 50 states and in 43 countries outside of the United States. You get more than the finest coffee when you visit a Starbucks - you get great people, first-rate music and a comfortable and upbeat meeting place, says Howard Schultz, Starbucks chairman, president, and chief executive officer.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
New Article Reveals the Low Down on College Essay Samples about How Music Influences and Why You Must Take Action Today
New Article Reveals the Low Down on College Essay Samples about How Music Influences and Why You Must Take Action Today You don't need to possess the ideal writing skills to be able to be creative and compose an effective essay. Composing an appropriate career goals essay can be hard should you not actually have any ambitions. So, being aware of what to write and the way to compose your student essay is quite important. Writing an essay that explains what goals that you want to pursue in your upcoming career is a skill you are going to have to demonstrate a lot for a student. Music essay topics have to be well chosen in order to get ample scope to enlarge your imagination to make something unique. A young child can let you know what the latest gossip is all about their beloved musical artist is, in contrast to the title of the final book they read. The total format of your essay, for example, font size and margins, will solely are based on the instructions offered to you. B e sure to follow along with the suitable format, consisting of the general elements of an essay. The History of College Essay Samples about How Music Influences Refuted Music has ever been a calming remedy in helping new settlers handle the uncertainty of adjusting to their new residence. Classical and popular music in the function of a background has also various effect on people's performance. I am quite grateful for all I have accomplished musically and wish to keep striving to develop into a superior musician. As a result of Auto-Tune the vast majority of us don't understand what our favourite musicians really sound like even. The College Essay Samples about How Music Influences Cover Up Keep in mind, all sort of activities you're speaking about in the essay must be associated with the scholarship program. Consequently, grammar mistakes elimination improves student's ethos, that's the trustworthiness of the student for a writer. If you have trouble creating a topic, we 've got a guide on brainstorming college essay ideas. Music students preparing for college are aware that the essay part of the application is vital. Make certain your ideas and ambitions are related to the end reader. Later, once you're listening that what you recorded story to find a feeling of the way to write it, it is also possible to receive a feeling of the tone with which you need to tell that story. You're not writing for yourself here, but instead for quite a specific sort of reader. The reader would like to learn more. When you set your mind or are needed to compose a hip hop music essay, you will need to gather the current info and data about the topic. You will need to wisely choose which music topic can help you bring out your abilities and knowledge in music. Before Auto-Tune there's a simplistic character to music. It can be seen as a form of art that combines melodious tones of sound, it is the language sounds. People's voices may also be viewed as the sort of music. They speak often of songs that never die. College Essay Samples about How Music Influences Secrets When everyone works together, however, the sound that's produced is simply remarkable. In reality, there are various kinds of music played in the elevator, but all of them have a specific soothing quality. Now I think that this is really the ideal approach to produce a difference in the world all of us live in. That was my way of creating the difference on earth. The readers, however, may want to hear more than just a single career objective. In both situations, you hit your target of greater reader engagement. I saw my parents on the job, and I helped them with a few of those tasks. Make sure to reveal your enthusiasm behind the goals. A good college essay introduction is essential to making your essay stand out, so there's a great deal of pressure to receive it exactly perfect. If you're in the center of your essay w riting procedure, you will want to see our suggestions on what essay pitfalls to prevent. It's simple to point out an essay which has been written solely for the interest of it. A great essay is one which leaves a long-lasting impression. Don't forget to begin your essay strongit should be able to spark the interests of your readers. An essay outline can help you organize the total structure of your essay. The audio essay topics should also be in a position to assist you exhibit your literary elegance. The subject of your essay needs to be original. Additionally, it is a means to locate similar things to other men and women who listen to different music. Over the previous forty or fifty years music has been among the biggest influential aspects in teenage society.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Charismatic Theology Essay - 3541 Words
Research Paper Of â€Å"A Select Issue in Contemporary Theology: Charismatic Theology. THEO 510-C03 LUO (Fall 2012) Survey of Christian Doctrine Dr. Eunice Abogunrin, Professor Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Carol H. Montgomery (ID# 24993689) November 11, 2012 CONTENTS COVER PAGE 1 CONTENTS 2 THESIS 3 INTRODUCTION 3 CHARSMATIC GIFTS DEBATE 3-12 CONCLUSION 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY 13 INTRODUCTION This research paper will show that biblical referred to as glossolalia; the ability to â€Å"speak in tongues†is fiercely debated. While the Bible gives clear examples of genuine glossolalia, which will be examined later, the modern debate centers around the need or not, nature, importance, and usage of†¦show more content†¦The baptism of the Holy Spirit is an act whereby the individual is placed in the body of Christ. John the Baptist, after witnessing the descent of the Holy Spirit as a dove at the baptism of Jesus, recorded Most Pentecostal, and Charismatic believe that tongues are the initial sign of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The book of Acts is its foundation stone. If the book of Acts were excluded from the discussion, there would be no other source of information since the only other passage in the New Testament that discusses tongues at any length is 1 Corinthians 12-14 which clearly teaches all do not speak in tongues. Also, Paul examines tongues as one of many differing spiritual gifts that are given freely by the Spirit after one has been baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). In Charismatic Theology, Stronstad states, â€Å"And tongues is the sign that all who belong to this charismatic community have been empowered by the Spirit for charismatic ministry.†I choose the charismatic gifts debate because coming from a Pentecostal/Charismatic background growing up in church, I know a little about the gift. With growing up in a Charismatic church, I saw the gifts in action. There is a lot of debate on whether the gift is relevant for today or have they ceased from the church. One side says that the gifts are in the past and is not relevant for the day that we live in and another side says that the gifts are stillShow MoreRelatedCharismatic Theology2760 Words  | 12 PagesThe charismatic movement1 began within the historic churches in the 1950s. On the American scene it started to attract broad attention in 1960, with the national publicity given to the ministry of the Reverend Dennis Bennett, an Episcopalian in Van Nuys, California. Since then there has been a continuing growth of the movement within many of the mainline churches: first, such Protestant churches as Episcopal, Lutheran, and Presbyterian; second, the Roman Catholic (beginning in 1967); and third, theRead MoreThe Charismatic Theology Of St. Luke988 Words  | 4 PagesRoger Stronstad’s book The Charismatic Theology of St. Luke opens wide the vast work of the Holy Spirit within Luke’s two-part book Luke/Acts and points out Luke’s intent to present the full activity of the Holy Spirit from beginning to end. In fact, Stronstad writes, â€Å"[The] concentration of references to the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of Luke demonstrates that the topic of the Spirit is historically and theologically of more interest to Luke than it is to the other evangelists†(Stronstad 39-40)Read MoreSummary Of The Charismatic Theology Of Luke-Acts1428 Words  | 6 PagesIn The Charismatic Theology of St. Luke, Robert Stronstad adduces a succinct interpretation of the significance of Holy Spirit according to Lukan theology. He examines both the Spirit’s activity in Luke-Acts and the implications of the Gift of the Spirit in empowering, equipping, and commissioning of God’s people for service. The text is separated into six sections covering â€Å"the Holy Spirit in Luke-Acts†, â€Å"the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament†, â€Å"the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of Luke†, â€Å"The Holy SpiritRead MoreThe Biblical Interpretation Of Exodus And Song Of Solomon 793 Words  | 4 Pagescharacteristic of Jia Yuming` s allegorical biblical interpretation, and to explore the contribution of his exegesis in Chinese Christian theology. Jia Yuming`s allegorical interpretation was influenced by several theological schools. He graduated from Presbyterian seminary, and had reformed theology background, then he influenced by pietistic theology and Charismatic movement, and then turned to allegorical exegesis. In this paper, we will use Jia Yuming` s interpretation of Exodus and Song of SolomonRead MoreGod The Spirit By Beth Felker2164 Words  | 9 Pageslives (64). This cooperative grace that Wesleyans embrace include three different manifestations of that grace: prevenient, justifying and sanctifying. The prevenient grace emphasizes the love of God that is made available to all (whereas in Reformed theology only God’s elect have access to saving grace), while the justifying grace initiates sanctification which is a life long journey towards Christian Perfection. This idea of perfection which is unique to Wesleyansism takes seriously the promise andRead MoreBook Critique -- Paul, the Spirit, and the People o f God1636 Words  | 7 PagesSYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY LIBERTY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY BY EDDIE H FINCH – 22458150 LYNCHBURG, VA THEURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 1 In Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God, Gordon Fee outlines a theology of the Spirit in the Divine Trinity, the basis within Scripture for the experience of the Spirit, and the interaction of the two. Fee, a Pentecostal scholar, â€Å"redefines the terms of discussion about the Holy Spirit in a way that transcends today’s paradigm of ‘charismatic’ or ‘non-charismatic’Read MoreUnusual Phenomena That Took Place Under God s Divine Spirit1593 Words  | 7 Pageshe notes, â€Å"People encounter God in Christ through the (ecclesial) fellowship of the Holy Spirit first, and then are launched on the path of purification, long before they begin theorizing about soteriology and the fall.†(Pinnock, 23). Renewal Theology/The age of Charismata According to Pinnock he states, â€Å"At Pentecost a ruptured and broken world would begin to heal. People from all over the world came together and began to understand one another. A community was formed, full of differences andRead MorePastoral Care And Pastoral Counseling Process1805 Words  | 8 Pagescounseling process What is the relationship between theology and the work of pastoral care and counseling? The theological reflection on pastoral care and the pastoral counseling process have several directions one may take. I believe that this topic is huge and I am going swam around it because it is not my subject of interest. I believed that theology is the heart which we discourse about God. But remember every one of us have its own theology sort of. Each person has some idea about the natureRead MoreMy Knowledge And Understanding Of The Holy Spirit3498 Words  | 14 PagesMy knowledge and understanding of the Holy Spirit began later than would be expected for someone who was raised in the church since birth. I grew up in a tradition that, due to fears over the exaltation of emotionality in some charismatic movements, responded by practically ignoring the third part of the Trinity. While I knew the three names that made up the Trinity, the Holy Spirit was some forgotten concept that languish ed because revealing it might lead to excess. In some ways, I think that fearRead MoreAnalysis Of Paul Basden s A Congenial Way 1500 Words  | 6 Pagesproviding an apology for charismatic worship. This worship style has an emphasis on spiritual spontaneity. Williams begins by documenting the history of the charismatic movement. From the charismatic renewal to the â€Å"Third Wave†, Williams shows the roots of this movement in an attempt to validate for worshipers today. After examining its history, Williams turns to set forth its theological heart. He states that charismatic worship is Trinitarian. Williams says, â€Å"Charismatic worship, then, finds its
In what ways do Leaders create organizational culture Free Essays
Introduction In area of Management and leadership, one of the most crucial and effective factors that determine the performance of an organization in public sector is the organizational culture. Organizational culture has been studied extensively for the past 30 or more years (Schein E. H. We will write a custom essay sample on In what ways do Leaders create organizational culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now , 1985). Lots of books have been written and much research has been done about it, and also wide range of words applied to describe this notion. Although much different definitions have been presented on this keyword, most of them place their emphasis on common key aspects of this word. I have gathered three comprehensive definitions in table below: Definitions of organizational culture The pattern of shared beliefs and values that give members of an institution meaning and provide them with the rules for behaviour in their organizations. (Davis, 1984, p. 1). The set of important understandings (often unstated) that members of a community share in common. (Sathe, 1985, p. 6) A set of understandings or meanings shared by a group of people. The meanings are largely tacit among the members, are clearly relevant to a particular group and are distinctive to the group (Louis, 1985, p. 74) According to these definitions, I can extract two main features of organizational culture as first shared meanings and values among members and second introducing clear rules and behaviours in organization. Although, some argues that culture cannot be managed (Rabin, T Wachhaus. A, 2008, p. 1) , a correlation between culture and leadership has been identified (Frontiera, 2010). Schein announced this fact in his famous book-Organizational culture and leadership (2004): â€Å"Culture is a dynamic phenomenon that surrounds us at all times, being constantly enacted and created by our reactions with others and shaped by leadership behaviour.†So, attentions have been paid to culture aiming to manage and improve the performance through it. Leaders as persons who have crucial role in improving performance found it vital in organizational discourse. Schein introduced the relation between leadership and culture by the term â€Å"intertwined†. (1992) .While culture can be affected by various factors, Senge pointed out that leaders have the most much influence on organizational culture (2002, p. 24) : â€Å"Building an organization s culture and shaping its evolution is the unique and essential function of leadership†In this paper the focus is on the influence of leadership on organizational culture to examine to what extent the view that leaders create organizational culture is true. The approach that has been applied in this paper is studying the ways and channels through which leader creates and affects the culture of organization. Also, the other factors that create culture have been studied and the effects of culture on leadership have been analyzed.But before the start of this study, clearing the concept of leadership is required. What is leadershipWho is a leader? The controversial concept of leadership has been defined in various ways. Some stated that it as a process, for instance Northouse believe that it is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. (2007, p. 3). Also, Stogdill analyzed it as influencing the activities of an organized group in its efforts toward goal setting and goal achievement (1974). By these two types of definitions, leader can be known as a person who makes decisions, sets directions, makes things happen and often He is recognisable at the top of organization. In term of person, leader is a person who carries out this process by applying their leadership knowledge and skills. (Jago, 1982) Hence leader is placed at top of organization and clarifies strategies and directions, has most effects on the culture of organizations. In following next part I examine some ways by which leader affects organizational culture. Leader; as a pattern If in an organization the leadership and the behaviours of leader become an ideal pattern for followers, a stream of organizational deportment would flow from top (leader) to down (followers). This case can happen mostly in transformational type of leadership in which leader has charismatic features. (Harms, p Crede, M, 2010). Bass and Avolio described transformational leader as able to â€Å"motivate others to do more than they originally intended and often more than they thought possible.†(1993). As the organizational culture in an aspect is made of staffs behaviours and manners, charismatic leader cultivates a particular method of comportment. Culture of an organization constituted from different components; competitiveness, social responsibility, innovation, stability, performance orientation, and supportiveness. So, the manner of leader can affect every area of organizational culture and this top-down influence can lead to affirmative or mortal outcomes in performance. (Sarros, J. Gray, J and Densten, I, 2002) By way of illustration, this can be studied in realm of Innovation and change. Fishman and Kavanaugh claimed that the culture of an organization and how people respond to change and innovation is shaped substantially by the behaviours of the leader. (1989) Smith revealed that leader s behaviours can be followed by employees. Leaders are the role models and when they walk the talk long enough, fairly soon these values become standard procedure. (2010). Leaders are lent very crucial and decisive position by which they influence the culture of organization through leading motivation, attendance and attitude of followers in organizational operation. This can be found in Amabile suggestion (1998): â€Å"By influencing the nature of the work environment and organizational culture, leaders can affect organizational members’ attitude to work related change and motivation.†Leaders ruling organizational culture Leaders externalize their own assumptions and embed them into structures, mission, goals and working procedures gradually and consistently (Schein E. H., 2004, p. 406). In one hand, a leader make decisions and determine rules, and in the other hand organizational culture is described as a set of structures, routines, rules and norms that guide the constrain behaviour (Schein E. H., Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2004). So, leadership manipulates organizational culture through ruling in organization. Dull reflected this fact in the other way (2010): â€Å"Public sector leaders attempt to cultivate organizational culture as a means of controlling administrative behaviour and building organizational competence, defined as the skill and capacity to accomplish necessary tasks†Here the culture described as a tool applied to improve procedures to facilitate achieving goal. This case can be examined when leader feels sure about a needful innovation in organization. For promoting change, beside other factors, leader has to provide a firm ground for implementing innovation. As Armenakis et al. claimed leaders can modify formal structures, procedures, and human resource management practices. (1999) So, it is leader who initiates change and clarifies orientation of organization; he arrives to alter proceeds for reaching ends. In reality, changing culture is defined as changing procedures. Making and interpreting strategy Stewart declared that the strategy of an organization gives it identity based on its functions, Also it clarifies what an organization is and what it is doing. (2004) Strategy can form culture of an organization through highlighting tasks, directions, positions and behaviours. Fernandez and Rainey interpreted strategy as a course of action for implementing changes (2006) . Also, the change management strategy or approach selected by leaders will result in shifts in organizational culture. (Kavanagh, H Ashkanasy, N, 2006) By understanding the importance of strategy and its relation with culture, leader enters in this relation and influence culture in two ways; first standing between strategy and culture, second use the strategy as a tool for modifying culture. Despite strategy plays a crucial role in organization, this is the role of leader to translate it into a course of action. Goldsmith explains to CEO (chief executive officer) how leaders are needed to communicate and execute an organization s strategy. (2009) â€Å"When leaders and their executive teams take an active role in implementing strategies, this is a commitment to ensure the ideas or strategies become part of the organisation. Insightful leaders realise that for strategies to be successfully integrated into their organisations, they must align, measure, market and package the strategy to their business, customers and investment community as they would with any marketing campaign.†While strategy introduces direction of an organization, it is just on the paper. The best-planned strategy is no more than wishful thinking if it can t be translated from concept to reality (Hsieh, T and Yik, S, 2005) .Here it is leader who translates it from language of paper to a course of action . Robin Speculand has studied the decisive role of leadership and placed his special emphasis on leaders in success and failure of implementing strategies (2009). So, leader as a median interprets strategy into organization procedure, role, and belief. This action forms the culture; in this area culture is sum of tasks, behaviours, and procedures that are defined by strategy. In this process leader injects strategy into the body of organization. In reality, leader makes strategy feasible, and at the same time forms culture. But it is not whole the story about relation of strategy and culture. Leader alters climate of organization by applying strategy as a tool too. In other words, leader can stand at the top and place strategy between him and culture. Actually, leader applies strategy as a means to influence organizational culture. This can be deducted from the role of leader in designing strategies, Where Abramson and Lawrence claimed (2001): â€Å"Managerial leaders must develop a course of action or strategy for implementing change. Convincing the members of an organization of the need for change is obviously not enough to bring about actual change. The new idea or vision must be transformed into a course of action or strategy with goals and a plan for achieving it†Changing performance The performance of an organization is effective factor through which leader influence the culture. Performance defined as the accomplishments of an agency, program, or employee relative to stated goals and objectives. (Technical Terms). This item is evaluated by measuring outputs and outcomes. Unfortunately, while most available research and studies devoted their focus on the effects of leadership and culture on the performance, there is a multilateral and at the same time mutual relation among leadership, culture and performance. In other words, they are interdependent (i.e. leadership and climate are subject to affect by the status of performance of organization). To understand this linkage a circle relation between leader, climate and performance should be studied. It can be understood from this circle that leader can affect culture through changing performance. In this network linkage leader affects culture and alter its elements through changing performance and informing employees about it. This influence occurs through the Feedback. Feedback typically consists of information provided to an individual for the purpose of an increase in performance (Kluger, A. N. Denisi, A., 1996). A variety of feedback forms exists, which are described by different aspects. One kind of feedback is outcome feedback in which information concerning performance outcomes. (Balcazar, F., Hopkins, B. L., Suarez, Y, 1986) It seems positive and constructive, to inform employees about high performance and improvement of outcomes. Geister et al. concluded in their research that information and feedback about the team situation is crucial to improving the motivation, satisfaction, and performance of members in virtual teams. (2006) Leader affects the culture of organization indirectly through improving performance and diffusing information about it, an action which leads to a healthy, motivate and more evolutionary climate. If decisions and policies leader applied led to quality performance it can encourage atmosphere of hardworking, competition, integration and responsibility but in fragile situation and poor performance culture would collapse. Culture creates leader, a challenge While the impact of leader on culture is a considerable fact and has been studied and proved in many cases, some opinions challenged it. In an attempt to address this theoretical disagreement, Sarros et al. surveyed over 1,900 managers in Australia and found that leadership was a far more prominent predictor of culture than culture was of leadership. (2002) As it has been mentioned there are an interdependent relations among leadership, culture and performance, so it is a noticeable reality that leader is affected by culture too. Hatch claimed that it is difficult for leaders to have any impact on culture, as culture has a larger influence on leaders. (1993) Schein asserts that while leaders create culture in the early stages of an organization, culture creates leaders as an organization matures. He suggests that culture is deep, broad, and stable. It can be an unconscious determinant of who gets hired, who gets promoted and rewarded, and indeed, how the vision, mission, and strategy are lived. (2004) Culture of organization is a very decisive factor, so leader has to apply appropriate way of leading which does work in that climate. Smith, Wang and Leung have sought for a proper model of leadership in China by regarding effects of cultural backgrounds (1997). It reflects the crucial role of culture in determining leadership style. It seems imperfect and naif to study the relation of leader and climate unilaterally. The relation is mutual and should be studied in this way to achieve a perfect theory. Other factors are actors While leadership plays a core role in creating organizational culture, other factors affect climate and even can take it out of control of leader. Culture can be affected by different internal and external factors. As the culture has defined as meanings and behaviours of members, the organizational members are effective actors. Krizek views culture as patterns of meaning and interpretationâ€â€whether these patterns emerge among management or employees. So, before that leader can decide to create culture, it has been constituted by member s beliefs and thoughts. (2005) External forces may or may not influence the communicative and cultural makeup of an organization. (Cheney, 2001) Examples of external forces include, but are not limited to, economics, education, family, law, media, politics, religion, and technology. External environment and constraints have a considerable role in determining climate of organizations. As, leader has to make situation and organization ready to cope with external environment, any change in environment leads to change policies, behaviours and routines and finally innovates the culture. Schein pointed out that if the environmental context is changing such conflict can be a potential source of adaption and new learning. (Schein E. H., Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2004, p. 108) Organizational culture is influenced by social and national culture of the area in which it is situated. National beliefs, stories, type of thinking and values affect the climate of organization. The type of function and business of organization conducts the elements of culture. (Schein E. H., 1992) In other words the mission of organization is a set of beliefs about its core competences (Schein E. H., Organizational Culture and Leadership, 2004, p. 89) Conclusion In this paper the view that leaders create organizational culture has been examined critically. At the first the culture defined as a set of routines, behaviour, meanings and understandings that is shared among members of an organization. Leader defined as who make decision, determine directions and make things happen or not to happen. it has been proved that leaders have a noticeable role in creating organizational climate. The first way through which culture forms by leader is by the stream of meaning, behaviour and beliefs as an ideal method or pattern from top (leader) to down (employees). In this statement employees are assumed as followers who are affected by the nature of leader. As a short explanation, Leadership consists of attributes and skills that determine not only the nature of enterprise, in all its manifestations, but the overall nature of society and the world (Sarros, J. Gray, J. Densten, I, 2002). In this way leaders are charismatic persons by whom followers’ behaviours consciously or unconsciously are affecting. The second conduit for influencing culture is ruling. Here, leader is top ruler in organization who directs routines, structures and procedures. It has been assumed that by doing these affairs in reality leader is manipulating culture or changing its elements. In this statement changing culture described as changing procedures and formal administrative process. In third way the focus has been put on strategy. Strategy is the manifestation of mission, directions, tasks and rules and has a strong correlation with culture. It has been expressed that leader can affect strategy in two ways. First way is attempt to codify and provide it. In this state leader inject beliefs and preference into strategy and determine culture through it as a tool. The second channel is to standing between strategy and culture in order to interpret and implement it in preferred way. The last area which has been studied is performance. It assumed that leader plays remarkable role in changing performance and the status of outcomes of organization affect the culture directly. The impact of high performance in healthy culture and poor one in weak climate mentioned in this area. These four ways illustrate the crucial role of leadership in creating culture. But in last two sections these role has been challenged in two statements. First is that while leader creates culture, culture can create leader too. As mentioned, culture is stable and has elements that determine which style of leadership is required and who can be the organizational leader. In addition, some factors like external environment, employees’ beliefs, business of organization, and national culture introduced as factors which affect organizational culture. In conclusion, it should be claimed that the effects of leadership in shaping culture is noticeable and can be realized by studying it through different ways. But the more crucial point is that the effect is not directly except in first way in which leader becomes a pattern for followers. In all conditions leader can apply some policies by which affects culture. Employees play decisive role in changing climate, and leaders don’t change culture, they merely invite their people to change the culture (Hillis). So, leader is not the exclusive actor in influencing culture. Other factors should be studied so that an effective innovation and successful change in culture can be achieved. Another point is that while leader creates culture, culture influence leader and style of leadership. As, Schein assumes leadership and culture as two sides of one coin, cultural norms define how a given nation or organization will define leadership. (2004) Consequently, while the role of leadership is considerable in creating culture it is not comprehensive and precise to analyze it without regarding other factors and mutual effects in organization. Bibliography Abramson, A Lawrence, P. (2001). Th e Challenge of Transforming Organizations:Lessons Learned about Revitalizing Organizations. 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Cricket in Australia in the 1920s Essay Example For Students
Cricket in Australia in the 1920s Essay Cricket is a game now played all over the world. Back in the 1920s there were two main teams, Australia and England. The Ashes are a series of cricket test matches between Australia and England. The first Ashes test ever played was on March 15th 1877 in Australia. Since then Ashes tests between Australia and England have flourished numbering a series approximately every three years. The overall Ashes results are in favor of Australia, while since 1989 the Ashes series have all been won by Australia. The 1920s Ashes saw a more even event with England winning two series, Australia three. Although Australia won 13 tests to Englands six with six draws all in England. The first Ashes series in Australia was in 1920-21. This series was dominated by Australia winning all five tests. This was the first English team to tour Australia since the war, but it was delayed by an outbreak of typhus on the passenger ship carrying the English team. Australia placed seven test debutants under the captaincy of Warwick Armstrong, and yet they seemed too experienced and too good for England. The team was; W. Armstrong, W. Bardsley, H. Collins, J Gregory, C. Kelleway, A. Mailey, G. McDonald, W. Oldfield, C. Pellew, J. Ryder and J. Taylor. The first test in Sydney never from the outlook looked like a two teamed race, rather a spectacle to see how much Australia could win by. Armstrong won his first of many tosses and decided to bat first, Australia making 267 on a pitch favoring the bowlers. England, on the second day crumbled being spun out for a feeble 190 and in reply Australia made 581, with centuries to Collins the opener and Armstrong the captain. This meant E ngland needed 658 on the last two days. Australias superior bowling attack dismissed England for 281, 377 short. The second test at the Melbourne Cricket Ground was no closer. Australia batted first and made 499 with centuries to Pellew and Gregory. Australia then bowled England out for 251 with inspirational Gregory taking 7/69. Enforcing the follow on, Australias bowlers took advantage of the mental state of England and bundled them out for 157 winning by an innings and 91 runs. The third test in Adelaide beginning on January 14 was by far the closest test. Australia winning the toss decided to bat for the third time in a row. On a road like pitch Australia hit a comparatively feeble 354. England for the first time in the series played with some confidence making 447, a lead of 93. However it was not to last. Australia got their act together and piled on 582, Kelleway, Armstrong and Pellew all scoring hundreds. England had no reply to this falling short by 119 runs. So the two teams moved onto Melbourne, the home of Australian cricket. England batted first and reached 284, a feeble total for the Australians who managed 389. In the second innings Mailey dominated taking an amazing 9/121 off 47, and single handedly dismissed England for 315. Australia got the required 211 only two wickets down. By the fifth test came around it was a matter of whether Australia could rewrite the record books and become the first of the two teams to win all test matches in a series. Inevitably it happened with a win of 9 wickets dismissing England for 204 and 280, and getting 392 and surpassing them at 1/92. Australia had won the Ashes in a whitewash 5-0. Australias dominance in the results clearly represented the difference in the standards of cricket between the two nations. England had a lot to learn before they returned in 1924. Hades EssayThis was not to be in the first test where England batting first made 521 and bowled Australia out for 122. England batted again and declared at 8/342 with Grimmett taking 6. With only ten men batting Australia were 8/66 handing England an comprehensive win. The second test at the SCG lasted six days, six painful days for Australian supporters. Batting first Australia was bundled out for 9/253 with Ponsford retiring hurt and taking no further part in the game. England replied politely with 636 due to a marvelous 251 to WR Hammond. Australia were already beaten making 9/397, England polished off the runs going two up in the series. The third test at the MCG went for seven days and saw England prevail in a close contest. Australia amassed 397 due to centuries from Kippax and Ryder, and England in reply scored 417, with yet another double century to Hammond. In the second innings Woodfull and Bradman set about the task of a challenging total, but without help from the rest of the team, the batsmen making 107 and 112 and the team 351. England needed 332 for victory, and Australias arch nemesis Sutcliffe guided the team to their third win with 135. There was no way Australia could regain the Ashes, but some dignity wouldve been nice. However it was not to be losing another close seven-dayer at Adelaide. Man-of-the-series Hammond made a century in both innings showing England to 334 and 383. The Australian first innings was both positive and dominating scoring 369. Although chasing 348 White destroyed Australian hopes with 8 for 126, Australia falling 12 runs short. Finally in the fifth test there was some consolation for the Australians. England won the toss and batted and made 519. The Australians, although beaten in the series replied with 419, their highest score yet, Bradman and Woodfull making 102 and 132 each. Then Tim Wall, on debut took 5/66 on his way to dismissing England for 257. Australia passed their total with five wickets in hand, and at long last Australia had won the test after eight consecutive days or 34 hours. England had retained the Ashes with a 4-1 series win over the gallant Australia. BIBLIOGRAPHY:Pollard, Jack, Australian Cricket 1918-1948 The Bradman years200 seasons of Australian cricketa href=http://www.baggygreen.com.au/archiveshttp://www.baggygreen.com.au/archivesauthor unknown, Test Match Cricket, Australia and England 1877-1977
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Liberal Principles and Minority Rights free essay sample
Liberal Principles and Minority Rights BY shax0521 We live in a world with differences, biases and hindrances we tend to take into account to be able to cope up with the changes happening around us. These differences could be between races,religion, culture, language, etc. But within a country, these differences also exist. Most countries are composed of diversed culture that divides the society to the majority and the minorities that establishes cultural differences related problems. It is often heard that minorities are deprived from certain freedom and the majority avails most of the best previleges that could e given. Minorities are often Judged by different steoreotypes and prejudices that establishes conflict between the groups. The main point of Prof. Hans Ingvar Roth, head of the sweden research team of the University of Lund in his article Liberal Principles and Minority rights, minority groups particularly in a liberal democratic society should be able to deal with the existing problems confronting their existence and culture in relation to the liberal principles through group-targeted measures. We will write a custom essay sample on Liberal Principles and Minority Rights or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These group-targeted measures will be further explained throughout the article critique. The purpose of this paper is to give a brief summary of Roths article Liberal Principles and Minority Rights, what are the liberal principles of a liberal democratic society how it affects the condition of the minorities and my point of view as a reader. It will also tackle the different features of a liberal society, the problems encountered by minorities and the possible solution to the problems. In other words, the life of the minorities in a liberal democratic society. According to Roth, inequalities in modern western societies are faced by the inorities particularly ethnic, racial and religious which sometimes seen to result to discrimination. The minorities are confronted by social, political and cultural inequalities which were percieved to be the consequences as a memberofa liberal democratic society. Moreover, the majority enjoys the benefits and priveleges that were given by the society. In relation to this, to know the reason why these inequalities occur, we must know the grass roots of this condition. Roth stated in his article his definition ofa liberal democratic society. According to him, a liberal democratic society is charcterized by the certain institutions or norms that are seen among many of its citizens as essential guidelines for the organization of society. A liberal democratic society has its liberal principles namely, majoritarian democracy, free moblity, market economy, meritocracy and neutrality. The first principle is the majoritarian democracy or the rule of many . This concept of democracy implies disadvantages to the minorities because literally, it shows how minorities are outnumbered by the majority in terms of their cultural survival. As stated in the article, this idea of democracy have serious consequences for defenseless minorities. Furthermore, another liberal principle which is a burden to minorities is free mobility where people get to move freely without any intent hindrances but it has its limit in reality. Roth expounded it as the ideal of open borders for refugees from non- european countries in contrast to the migration policies implemented on various principle is the easy access of majority population into minority territories that could threaten the cultural survivability of the latter which is also dependent upon its eography. Moreover, the market economy as a principle which assumes freedom of choice that is considered to be the prevailing model for arranging economic activities systems in liberal societies. Roth added that according to many of his critics, the market economy could lead the majority to cultural supremacy over the minorities where the former has more access to important resources that could affect the cultural life of a country. It is considered to be the most efficient among other economic systems. Another liberal principle is meritocracy. According to Roth, merit should administer the appropriation of employment and places in higher education. This implies that the majority will dominate the labour-market of the society and eventually earn the highest ranks in offices. This would result to the alienation of the minorities in any encounter of several forms of higher education because the majority gets the best priveleges they could have in the society. In addition, Roth cited another principle which is neutrality or even-handedness. This occurs when the government doesnt interfere with certain policy decisions uided by religious views or substantial philiosophies of life and this kind of action implies contradiction to relgious minorities and securalism in some way influence the society. The abovementioned principles in any circumstances could stand in conflict with one another. As we have tackled the 5 principles of a liberal democratic society, it is also important to know some features of this kind of society which could have significant consequences on the cultural standing of different minorities in the society. The first feature is lingua franca which refers to having a common language in the society for he people have one language they could use to communicate with each other. Roth stated in his article that the language is an important element for the cultural identity of a group. Eventually, the language of the majority will be the lingua franca due to its long history in the country and the minorities must accept it and use to be able to communicate with others. However, this doesnt mean that the languages from the minorities cannot be recognized as official languages in significant bailiwick of society such as education or law. Another feature of a liberal democratic society is nation building. Roth referred it as the creation of various institutions, traditions and spheres of society in which it will be affected by the long history of the majority group. In this case, it stresses that even without ethnic or cultural nationalism; the majority culture is advantageous because of its historical standing in the society. According to Roth, cultural preservation of minority groups depend on the members itself. They should have the best interest in maintaining and preserving their culture. A part from Roths article tackled about the shared values in the ulticultural debate for minority rights where possessing a secure cultural belonging could be valuable in a way that it is an important condition to an individual well being or it could be a crucial part of a ones personal identity or as a framework adapting the majoritys culture and integration or affiliate with the majority on the other side. However, they have one common view that minority groups should not face anu unfair or excessive burdens in maintaining their cultures. Furthermore, if a minority group had encountered am intense discrimination from the other groups in he society, they should pay for the serious cultural disadvantage that the minority group faces. In other words, cultural diversity should be reagarded as a valuable objective for the whole society and a shared public responsibility to secure the preservation of the minority culture. However, if a certain minority in question have encountered no grim history of discrimination, and its cultural changes was due to voluntary change of its own members, it conditions become more unclear. The members itself should pay the price of maintaining or preserving their culture given hat they have been attracted to the majority culture. In addition, the majority is not coerced to share a costs of preserving that particular minority. As discussed earlier, there are ethnic and religious minorities in a society and their situation could be less favourable in certain conditions. Roth emphasized in his article that cultural influence by the majority usually occurs to the minorities that live in so-called open agricultural territories, small in size and the history of discrimination. Furthermore, it was stressed that shared language, religion and a istory of discrimination or an idea of geographical location make the minorit group maintain their culture. There are minority groups that prefer to attain independence and others to lower their claims and instead strive for various forms of cultural autonomy. In the entire article, the two main problems of minorities in relation to the liberal principles are cultural preservation and problems of integration. According to him, problems of preservation arise when liberal principles such as free mobility and the endorsement of a market economy may threaten a traditional form of community life. Due to the dominance of the majority in terms of size, resources and historical standing, these principles work to their cultural advantage. Furthermore, the practice of having a lingua franca gives more disadvantage to the minorities in terms of preservation of their own language. The abovementioned problems has its group-targeted measures so that the minority culture will survive. These are metaphors the fence, the ladder, the springboard and the plane. With these meaures, there could be a continous existence of minority groups in liberal democratic societies. Through the fence it ould take form of exceptions from laws that burden traditional cultural practices or even property rights that would prevent majority population from buying lands from the minority territories. In addition, Roth used the cultural autonomy with regards to certain forms of legislation such as family as an example of a fence which protects the minority from being influenced by the family customs of the majority. Another measure is the ladder wherein group representation should be practiced by religious and ethnic groups in order to have a level of representation in the society. This metaphor can neutralize and attenuate unfair thresholds or hindrances such as blind spots, various forms of animosity, stereotypes and nepotism. To be able to gain entrance in the main sphere of society in spite of the diminish this hindrances in the remote future. The first measure or method is called the springboard that would present opportunities to minorities such as labour market and higher education in instances that they face discrimination and prJudices in the society. According to Roth, the springboard is not enough for minorities to be able to enter to such society that is hy the plane was created. It is considered to be the supplementary method of the springboard. It aims to alter engrained and stubborn attitudes and habits among the majority population through information campaigns and cross-cultural meeting places. From what I understand in the Roths article, inequalities of minorities in the society are caused by the liberal principles. I agree on it due to the different situations presented in the article. These principles namely majoritarian democracy, free mobility, meritocracy, market economy and neutrality are advantageous to the ajority population and affect the minoritys cultural preservation. The articles premises are still valid according to the current situations in most western countries. His interpretation of the evidences presented were likely to lead us to the same conclusion that the liberal principles should be improved rather than to replace them with something different in order to solve such inequalities in such society. His arguments regarding the disadvantages of the minorities in the society such as the lingua franca where the majoritys language will be the official language of the ociety and meritocracy where the majority gets the highest ranks in the offices had the biggest impact to me which I agree on. If we compare it to the philippines, a non- liberal democratic country but compose of a majority and minorities, due to the geographical boundary and size of population of christians with tagalog as their language is considered to be the official language of the country, officially called as Filipino and in terms of meritocracy, the muslims as a minority experience biases regarding employment in government and other fields of offices because of different stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination.
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